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Jewish law should not dictate the rules for boy circumcision in Denmark: wikify anti-semitism
As physicians, we look with the greatest concern at the kneeling to religious pressure, at the denial of the expertise of medical societies, and at the failure of the weak in this game, namely, the boys. Not least the thousands of boys with Muslim family backgrounds who, due to the veto of religious Jews, will be denied access to effective pain relief.
When Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen claims to want to fight [[Anti-Semitism|anti-Semitism ]] in Denmark, it does not benefit the case that she and her government almost equate circumcision resistance and anti-Semitism, let a painful and destructive ritual like boy circumcision continue at the request of religious Danish Jews and at the same time let consideration to 'Jewish law' make it impossible to ensure proper surgery and optimal pain relief for the - predominantly Muslim - boys, who in future come under the knife, as long as the ritual is legal in Denmark.
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