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1,759 bytes added, 12:47, 15 October 2019
Structure: Adding information on vasculization.
The [[ridged band]] area is found at the mucocutaneous junction. The ridged band area is characterized by rete ridges with Meissner’s corpuscles in the ridges.<ref name="taylor1996"/>
As with other neurologic structures such as the brain, the tip of the prepuce is richly supplied with blood by important vascular structures.<ref name="taylor1996"/> The prepuce serves as a conduit for several important veins.<ref name="fleiss-hodges-vanhowe1998">{{REFjournal
|last3=Van Howe
|title=Immunological functions of the human prepuce
|journal=Sex Trans Infect
|pubmedID= 10195034
}}</ref> The glans penis receives blood through the frenular artery.<ref>{{REFjournal
|title=Clinical presentation and pathophysiology of meatal stenosis following circumcision
|journal=Brit J Urol
== Protective functions ==

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