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395 bytes added, 23:14, 29 September 2019
Anatomy and function of the foreskin in detail
The foreskin covers the glans, thus protecting it from pollutants, friction, injury and drying out. It consists of two superimposed layers, which are only joined together at the very end. The [[ridged band]] is located just inside the tip of the foreskin.
While the outer foreskin layer is an extension of the penile shaft skin, the inner foreskin layer, which lies flat against the glans, is a mucous membrane. The inner layer is an extraordinarily complex tissue. It contains apocrine glands which produce Cathepsin B, lysozymes, chymotrypsin, neutrophil elastase, cytokines and pheromones such as androsterone. <ref>{{REFjournal | last=Fleiss | first=Paul M | coauthors=Hodges GM, Van Howe RS | title=Immunological functions of the human prepuce | journal=Sex Trans Inf | date=1998-10-01 | volume=7 | issue=5 | pages=364-7 | url= | quote= | pubmedID=10195034 | pubmedCID= 1758142 | DOI=10.1136/sti.74.5.364 | accessdate=2019-09-29}}</ref> Indian scientists have shown that the subpreputial moisture contains lytic material which has an antibacterial and antiviral effect.<ref>{{REFjournal
| last=Lakshmanan
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