Anthony Dilley

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Dr. Anthony Dilley is a physician from Australia who performs up to 40 circumcisions a week (see below).



Dilley is or was member of the alleged medical organisation Circumcision Academy of Australia, driven by circumfetishist Brian J. Morris.

Research about Dilley

The Intactivists of Australasia have collected more information about Dilley as quoted below:

In January 2011, The Herald Sun reported that Dilley performs ‘up to 40 circumcisions a week’. Respondents in online forums (including the ‘Huggies’ website) have claimed that Dilley receives a fee of up to $600 for each circumcision that he performs.

Dilley clearly derives a significant amount of income from a business model which is heavily reliant upon his ability to entice customers (parents) who will pay him to circumcise their sons. As such, Dilley has a significant financial vested interest in the promotion of circumcision. Interestingly, a previous visit to Dilley’s website confirmed that he, like Terence Russell, has had a particular interest in performing tongue-tie surgeries.

Given all of the above, it appears valid to ask the following question: Is Dilley’s stance on circumcision based on ‘public health advocacy’, or is it based on something else?[1]

See also


  1.   (23 August 2012). Meet the Circumcision Academy of Australia. Retrieved 7 July 2022.