Alex D. Wodak

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Alex D. Wodak is an Australian Doctor who often promotes circumcision together with Brian J. Morris.

Alex wodak-01.jpg
Brian J. Morris


Alex Wodak's interests include circumcision,[1] prevention of HIV among injecting drug users, brief interventions for problem drinkers, prevention of alcohol problems, treatment of drug users, drug policy reform.[2]

Some of Alex Wodak's Arguments for Circumcision

Intact is harmful to boys and men
Think of real harms to the uncircumcised boy and later man of something like a 1 in 10 risk of urinary tract infection in the uncircumcised, whereas the risk of urinary tract infection in the circumcised is very much lower. Cancer of the penis for example occurs in 1 in 600 uncircumcised men is virtually unheard of in circumcised penis.
– Alex Wodak[3]
Skin excretions cause cancer
It's to do with the anatomy of the foreskin which traps material underneath it including presumably cancer causing excretions from the skin.
– Alex Wodak[3]
