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4 bytes added, 03:36, 17 November 2021
The group soon became too large for apartments. In early 1991, the group was named [[RECAP]] Organization (the acronym for '''REC'''over '''A''' '''P'''enis). It is now known as NORM - the National Organization of Restoring Men.
Since its inception, the group has received inquiries from men around the world, demonstrating that this type of support group is indeed timely and necessary. There are now more than two dozen groups, with groups in London, Belgium, France and two in [[Australia]]. Many men have expressed an interest in organizing or attending groups in their areas. Groups can be established by following the NORM Guidelines.
In December 1992, Hammond and Griffiths decided to separate the responsibilities of activism and support. Tim founded [[NOHARMM]] ('''N'''ational '''O'''rganization to '''H'''alt the '''A'''buse and '''R'''outine '''M'''utilation of '''M'''ales) as an organization dedicated to stopping routine infant circumcisions through activism and protest. In June 1994, [[Jim Bigelow]] decided to incorporate [[UNCIRC]] under NORM so that there will be a network of three major organizations -- NORM, [[NOCIRC]] and [[NOHARMM]] -- to serve all facets of the intactivist movement.

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