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Western Australia Medical Association

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The '''Western Australia Medical Association''' is the medical trade association for medical doctors who practice medicine in the state of West Australia.

Dr Mark Duncan-Smith, the president of the association, issued a warning to parents on 10 December 2021 regarding non-therapeutic child [[circumcision]]. Dr. Duncan-Smith said parents should only "follow through with the procedure if there is a valid medical reason."<ref>{{REFnews
|title=Parents are warned against circumcising their children after a toddler, 2, died 'of a reaction to anaesthetic' and his baby brother almost bled out
|publisher=Daily Mail

The warning followed a disastrous day in Perth, WA in which a two-year-old boy died after a non-therapeutic circumcision and his eight-month old brother almost bled out due to [[Bleeding| hemorrhage]] following non-therapeutic circumcisions.<ref>{{REFnews
|title=Toddler, 2, dies and his baby brother is fighting for life 'after botched circumcisions' as homicide cops are called to investigate
|publisher=Daily Mail


* [[Australia]]



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