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Stephen Moses

8 bytes added, 8 July
Active projects: Wikify.
* A randomized, controlled trial of male circumcision to reduce [[HIV]] incidence in Kisumu, Kenya.<ref name='moses-bio'/><br><small>[[National Institutes of Health]].</small>
* Scaling up [[HIV]] prevention in Karnataka and southern Maharashtra, Phase II.<ref name='moses-bio'/><br><small>[[Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation]].</small>
* Monitoring and evaluation of the Avahan project in [[India]].<ref name='moses-bio'/><br><small>[[Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation]].</small>* Technical assistance to improve maternal, neonatal & child health through National Rural Health Mission, [[India]].<ref name='moses-bio'/><br><small>[[Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation]].</small>
* Mapping key populations for [[HIV]] prevention in Sri Lanka.<ref name='moses-bio'/><br><small>World Bank.</small>

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