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Ridged band

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Cold & Taylor (1999) stated:
<blockquote>The complex interaction between the protopathic sensitivity of the corpuscular receptor-deficient glans penis and the corpuscular receptor-rich ridged band of the male prepuce is required for normal copulatory behaviour.<refname="cold-taylor">{{REFjournal
| last=Cold
| first=CJ
More recent studies provide additional evidence of the sensory and sexual function of the ridged band and foreskin. Kim & Pang (2007), working in South Korea, report that 48 percent of men experience less pleasure from masturbation after circumcision and 63 percent report an increase in difficulty of masturbation.<ref>{{REFjournal | last=Kim | first=DaiSik | coauthors=Pang MG | title=The effect of male circumcision on sexuality | journal=BJU Int | date=2007-02-07 | volume=99 | issue=3 | pages=619-22 | url= | quote= | pubmedID=17155977 | pubmedCID= | DOI= | accessdate=2019-09-28}}</ref> Podnar (2012), working in Slovenia, compared the sexual response of normal intact men and circumcised men. The bulbo-covernosus reflex was elicitable in 92 percent of normal intact men, but it was elicitable in only 27 percent of circumcised men.<ref>{{REFjournal
| last=Podnar
| first=S
| accessdate=2019-09-28
The ridged band area is situated just inside the tip of the foreskin. The ridged band area contain Meissner corpusples arrange in rete ridges. The Meissner corpuscles are stimulated by motion and stretching. The foreskin contains a layer of muscle tissue called the dartos fascia.<ref name="cold-taylor" /> The dartos fascia allows a considerable degree of motion and stretching to stimulate the Meissner corpuscles, which provides significant stimulation during sexual activity.

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