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Ninth International Symposium

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{{Construction Site}}The '''Ninth International Symposium''' on Circumcision, Genital Integrity, and Human Rights convened in [ Johnson Hall] at the [ {{UNI|University of Washington]|UW}}, Seattle, Washington{{USSC|WA}}, USA on August 24-26, 2006.
* '''Mostafa K. Al-Madawi''' is a retired judge. Benghazi, Libya.
* '''Zachary Androus''', {{BA}}, {{MA}}, and {{PhD }} Candidate in Race, Gender, and Social Justice, {{UNI|American University|AU}}, teaches anthropology at the {{UNI|Istituto Lorenzo de ' Medici University|LdM}}, Florence, Italy.* '''Suzanne Arms''' is an author, photojournalist, filmmaker, and founder and director of Birth the Future. Bayfield, {{USSC|CO}}.* '''[[Peter Ball]]''', {{MA}}, MB, B.Chir., retired family practitioner, is Vice Chairman, NORM-UK, and producer and director, non-surgical foreskin restoration video. Turnbridge Wells, Kent, UK.* '''David Chamberlain''', {{PhD}}, is a psychologist, pioneer in prenatal and birth psychology, and author. Nevada City, {{USSC|CA}}, USA.* '''[[Georganne Chapin]]''', MS, {{JD}}, is President and CEO of Hudson Health Plan and adjunct faculty member, {{UNI|Pace University |PACE}} School of Law. Terrytown, {{USSC|NY}}, USA.* '''[[John Dalton]]''', a biochemist with an MSc {{MS}} in Radiation Biophysics, is the archivist and researcher for NORM-UK. Stone, Staffordshire, UK.
* '''Oloaye Olusoji Emmanuel''', founder, Media for Ethnic Equality (MEE), inspiring youths and campaigning for peace in the world through the media. Ikeja Lagos, Nigeria.
* '''Marie Fox''', LL.B, {{PhD}}, is Professor of Law, School of Law, {{UNI|Keele University |KU}} and an author. Staffordshire, UK.* '''Noel Gazzano''', medical anthropologist, received her {{PhD }} from the {{UNI|University of Firenze|UniFI}}. Florence, Italy.* '''[[John V. Geisheker| John Geisheker]]''', {{JD}}, LLM, is General Counsel and Executive Director, [[Doctors Opposing Circumcision(D.O.C.)]]. Seattle, {{USSC|WA }}, USA.* '''[[Leonard B. Glick]]''', {{MD}}, {{PhD}}, Professor of Anthropology, Hampshire College, Amherst, {{MA }} (retired), is the author of ''Marked in Your Flesh: Circumcision from Ancient Judea to Modern America''. New Salem, {{USSC|MA}}, USA.* '''Jess Grant''' is a singer and writer of songs to provoke and amuse, fusing lyrical intensity with diverse pop styles and working-class ethics. Seattle, {{USSC|WA}}, USA.* '''[[Pia Grassivaro Gallo]]''', {{PhD}}, Associate Professor of Anthropology, Faculty of Psychology, {{UNI|University of Padua|UNIPD}}, organized Padua’s Working Group on FGM. Padua, Italy.* '''Matthew Hess''', founder and President of San Diego-based, is seeking to pass US laws that would protect boys from non-therapeutic circumcision. San Diego, {{USSC|CA}}, USA.* '''[[George Hill]]''' is the Vice-President for Bioethics and Medical Science, [[Doctors Opposing Circumcision(D.O.C.)]]. Seattle, {{USSC|WA}}, USA.* '''[[Frederick M. Hodges| Frederick Mansfield Hodges]]''', DPhil {{PhD}} (Oxon), medical historian, author, and co-author of What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Circumcision. Berkeley, California{{USSC|CA}}, USA.* '''[[Yngve Hofvander]]''', {{MD}}, is a pediatrician and Professor, International Child Health, {{UNI|Uppsala University|UU}}. Uppsala, Sweden.* '''Primus Lake''', is a Professor, {{UNI|Nusa Cendana University|Undana}}. Kupang, West Timor, Indonesia.* '''Romeo B. Lee''', is Associate Professor, Behavioural Sciences, {{UNI|De La Salle University-Manila|DLSU}}. Manila, Philippines.
* '''Gloria Lemay''' is a writer, midwifery educator, and childbirth activist. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
* '''[[David J. Llewellyn]]''', {{BA}}, {{JD}}, a practicing attorney, representing plaintiffs in wrongful circumcision and other genital injury cases. Atlanta, Georgia{{USSC|GA}}, USA.
* '''Linda Massie''', BSc, PG/Dip, is founder and Director, NOCIRC of Northern Ireland. Glengormley, County Antrim, Northern Ireland.
* '''[[Ken McGrath]]''', VRD, MSc{{MS}} (Hons), LIBiol, is Senior Lecturer in Pathology, Faculty of Health, {{UNI|Auckland University of Technology|AUT}}. Auckland, NZ.* '''Jody McLaughlin''' is editor of the ''Compleat Mother'' magazine and Director, NOCIRC of ND. Minot, {{USSC|ND}}, USA.* '''[[Marilyn Milos]]''', {{RN}}, is Director, National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers (NOCIRC) and Coordinator, International Symposia on Genital Integrity. San Anselmo, {{USSC|CA}}, USA.* '''Stephanie Mines''', {{PhD}}, is a psychologist and the author of ''We Are All in [[Shock]]: How Overwhelming Experience Shatters You and What You Can do About It'' (New Page Books, 2003). Boulder, {{USSC|CO}}, USA.* '''Debora Moro''' is a graduate in Psychology, Working Group on FGM, {{UNI|University of Padua|UNIPD}}. Padua, Italy.* '''Miriam Pollack''', an educator, has been advocating for genital integrity for Jewish as well as non-Jewish baby boys for the past 15 years. Boulder, {{USSC|CO}}, USA.* '''[[Patricia Robinett]]''' is a Clinical Hypnotherapist and the author of ''The Big Ugly'' and ''The Rape of Innocence''. Eugene, {{USSC|OR}}, USA.* '''[[Steve Scott]]''', Educational Outreach Coordinator of the National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers, is the Director, NOCIRC of Utah. Salt Lake City, {{USSC|UT}}, USA.* '''[[David Smith]]''' is the general manager of NORM-UK and editor of NORM NEWS. Stone, Staffordshire, UK.* '''[[James L. Snyder]]''', {{MD}}, {{FACS}}, is a Diplomate, American Board of Urology, Fellow, American College of Surgeons and Past President, Virginia Urological Society. Clifton Forge, {{USSC|VA}}, USA.* '''[[Morris L. Sorrells]]''', {{MD}}, is a retired pediatrician, consultant, and researcher. Gig Harbor, {{USSC|WA}}, USA.* '''[[J. Steven Svoboda]]''', {{JD}}, founder and Director, Attorneys for the Rights of the Child (ARC), Berkeley, California{{USSC|CA}}, USA. * '''Michael Thomson''', LL.B, {{PhD}}, is Professor of Law and Head of School, School of Law, {{UNI|Keele University |KU}} and an author. Staffordshire, UK.* '''[[Franco Viviani]]''', {{PhD}}, is Professor of Functional Anthropology, {{UNI|University of Udine|UniUD}}, Professor of Psychobiology, Faculty of Psychology, {{UNI|University of Padua|UNIPD}}, Italy.* '''[[Rebecca Wald]]''', {{BA}}, {{JD}}, has worked as an attorney, a newspaper reporter, covering legal issues, and a newspaper and book editor. Fort Lauderdale, Florida{{USSC|FL}}, USA.* '''[[John Warren]]''', {{MA}}, MB, Bchirc, DCH, FRCP, is a retired physician and founder of NORM-UK. Harlow, Essex, UK.* '''[[Hugh Young]]''', a journalist and radio producer, created and maintains a [[human rights ]] website,, treating [[intactness ]] rather than [[circumcision ]] as normal. Pukerua Bay, New Zealand.
<center><big><big>=== Program</big></big></center>===<center><big>==== Thursday, 24 August</big></center>8:00 Registration ====8:30 * '''Welcome and Opening Remarks ''': ''Marilyn Milos, John Geisheker, and Peter Ball ''9* '''[https:00The // The Delusional Psychologies of Circumcision and Civilization– Civilization]''': ''David Chamberlain''10:00 * '''Determining the Best Interest of the Child: A comparative approach to professional medical guidance for relating male circumcision ''': ''Marie Fox and Michael Thomson''11* '''[https:00 Break11:20 // Cultural Relativism at Home and Abroad ]''': ''Zachary Androus''11:40 * '''Circumcision in Perspective ''': ''Jody McLaughlin''12:00 * '''Circumcision Mythologies in Conflict with Logic, Reason, and Common Sense ''': ''Steve Scott''12:30 Lunch – On Your Own 2:00 * '''Consequences of Female Genital Mutilation on Global Health and Sexuality ''': ''Olaoye Olusoji Emmanuel 2''* '''[https:20 // Medical Interventions on Women’s Genitals: Historical Texts and Contemporary Discourse ]''': ''Noel Gazzano ''* '''''2:40 Female Genital Modifications in Malawi: A Field Research – ''Debora Moro ''3* '''[https:00 // The Ritual Use of Herbs for Female Genital Modifications in Africa ]''': ''[[Franco Viviani ]]''3:20 * '''Ten Years of Merka’s Alternative Rite in Somalia (1996-2005): From “Sunna Gudnin” to “Gudnin Usub” ''': ''[[Franco Viviani ]]''3:40 Break * '''Muslims and Circumcision'''4:00 Muslims and Circumcision– ''Mostafa K. Al-Madawi ''4:20 * '''Changing People’s Minds about Circumcision ''': ''Patricia Robinett 4:40 Special Guest: Singer/Songwriter – Jess Grant 5:00 Dinner On Your Own''
==== Friday, 25 August ====
* '''“Toxic Irritation of the Nervous System” Abraham Wolbarst and the Industrial Implementation of Eugenic Circumcision'''
: ''Frederick Hodges''
* '''Excuses for Circumcision: Some Byways of Penile Anatomy'''
: ''Ken McGrath''
* '''The Perils of Circumcision'''
: ''[[James L. Snyder]]''
* '''[ Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus: A Risk of Circumcised Boys]'''
: ''[[George Hill]]''
* '''[ Conservative Management of Foreskin Problems]'''
: ''John Dalton''
* '''[ Fine Touch Pressure Thresholds in the Adult Penis]'''
: ''[[Morris L. Sorrells]]''
* '''[ Fitting In and Getting Off: Elective Adult Male Circumcision in the USA]'''
: ''Zachary Androus''
* '''Image: Are We Right or Wrong?'''
: ''David Smith''
* '''[ "Real Men”: Foreskin Cutting and Male Identity in the Philippines]'''
: ''Leonard Glick''
* '''[ Filipino Male Experience of Ritual Circumcision: Perspectus and Insights for Philippine-Based Anti-Circumcision Advocacy]'''
: ''Romeo B. Lee''
* '''Traditional Male Circumcision in West Timor, Indonesia: Practices, Myths, and their Impact on the Spread of [[HIV]]/[[AIDS]] and Gender Relations'''
: ''Primus Lake''
* '''Report from NOCIRC of Ireland'''
: ''Linda Massie''
* '''[ News from NORM-UK]'''
: ''[[John Warren]]''
* '''[ Male Circumcision in Europe: Is There Anything We Can Do?]'''
: ''Yngve Hofvander''
* '''Foreskins for Keeps: A Midwife’s Project to End Circumcision'''
: ''Gloria Lemay''
* '''Circumcision in the Mass Media'''
: ''[[Hugh Young]]''
==Sponsor== Saturday, 26 August ====* '''[ Coding, Reporting, and Analyzing Circumcision Data]''': ''[[Georganne Chapin]]''* '''[ A Treatise From the Trenches: Why Are Circumcision Lawsuits So Hard to Win?]''': ''[[J. Steven Svoboda]]''* '''[ Winning and Losing on the Circuit]''': ''[[David J. Llewellyn]]''* '''Switching Gears in Washington State: From Individual Lawsuits to Writ of Mandamus''': ''[[John Geisheker]]''* '''[ The MGM Bill Proposals: A Legislative Strategy for Protecting US boys from Circumcision]''': ''Matthew Hess''* '''Ending Non-religious Circumcision: Supply vs Demand''': ''A Moderated Discussion''* '''[ Defining What is Sacred]''': ''[[Miriam Pollack]]''* '''[ Beyond the Bris: One Jewish Mother’s Experience]''': ''[[Rebecca Wald]]''* '''Resolving Circumcision Trauma: Neurological Repatterning and Healing Action''': ''[ Stephanie Mines]''* '''Ending Circumcision for Children: A Total Paradigm Shift''': ''[ Suzanne Arms]''* '''[ Tribute to] [[Jeannine Parvati Baker]]''': ''[[Marilyn Milos]] and Suzanne Arms''* '''No Host Banquet Dinner and Premier Performance''': ''Composer Ron Romanovsky and [[Betty Katz Sperlich]], co-founder, [[Nurses for the Rights of the Child]], present IT’S A BOY! (a circus opera). The performance includes five vocalists and two accompanists.''<br>The proceedings are published in ''[ Circumcision and Human Rights]'', edited by [[George C. Denniston]], [[Frederick M. Hodges| Frederick Mansfield Hodges]], and [[Marilyn Milos| Marilyn Fayre Milos]], Springer, 2009. == Sponsors ==The Symposium was sponsored by the [ National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers] and [ [Doctors Opposing Circumcision(D.O.C.)]].
{{Template:List of International Symposiums}} {{LINKS}}* [ Official Brochure of the Ninth International Symposium] {{ABBR}}<!--{{REF}}-->

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