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Holger Fehmel

1,160 bytes added, 26 February
[[file:HolgerFehmel_FB.jpg|thumb|Holger Fehmel]]
'''Holger Fehmel''' (* November {{LifeData|1972-11-18, 1972}}) is a lawyer, humanist and [[intactivist]].
He grew up in Hagen (Westphalia, Germany), then studied law in Bielefeld and practices as a lawyer since 2004 in Osnabrück.
Being [[circumcised ]] in his early childhood, he published some articles since the beginning of the [[Circumcision Debate]] (e.g. <ref>[ Kein Irrweg]</ref><ref> (co-author)</ref><ref></ref>) in social networks, in which he dealt critically and involving his own experiences with the practice and the long term consequences of [[circumcision]]. However, he is always searching for constructive dialog and a conciliatory tone towards communities which perform [[circumcision]] traditionally.
He is amember a member of the [[HVD|Humanist Association of Germany]] (HVD), at [[intaktiv]] e.V., in the [[Partei der Humanisten|Party of Humanists ]] (PdH), and in the Friends Circle of the [[Giordano Bruno Foundation]] (gbs).
Fehmel is co-signer of the "[[Statement on foreskin circumcision]]" of 2014.
On the occasion of [[WWDOGA]] 2021, Holger Fehmel and [[Thomas Kreutzig-Langenfeld]] gave the Berliner Zeitung a detailed interview about the [[WWDOGA|day of genital autonomy]].<ref>{{REFjournal
|title=Beschneidung bei Jungen: „Ein irreversibler Eingriff in die Integrität“
|trans-title=Circumcision in boys: "An irreversible attack to integrity"
|publisher=Berliner Zeitung
* {{REFweb
|title=10 Jahre Kölner Beschneidungsurteil - Jungenbeschneidung: Elternrecht oder strafbare Körperverletzung?
|trans-title=10 years of Cologne circumcision sentence - boy circumcision: parental right or punishable [[bodily harm]]?
|publisher=diesseits - Das humanistische Magazin
|author-link=Holger Fehmel
[[de:Holger Fehmel]]

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