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== Film description of the TV station ==
Removal of the [[foreskin]] is the most common operation performed on boys worldwide - for religious, cultural or medical reasons. But more and more doctors are saying that the damage outweighs the health benefits and that far too often surgeries are being performed without medical necessity.
Affected people who suffer from their [[circumcision]] are increasingly daring to go public. They demand that boys be protected from circumcisions that are not medically necessary, so that their right to [[physical integrity]] is protected. Just like [[Florian Porsch|Florian]]. The 22-year-old is certain that his circumcision as a child was not medically necessary. At the time, the doctor treating him did not inform his parents about alternative options. Now [[Florian Porsch|Florian]] wants to clarify in court whether the doctor acted wrongly.
Despite growing criticism, the notion that [[circumcision ]] brings many benefits is still widespread. In Africa, the [[WHO]] recommended circumcision in the fight against [[HIV|AIDS]]. As a result, millions of infants and boys have been preventively [[circumcised]]. However, many scientists doubt that this can actually reduce the risk of [[infection ]] with [[HIV]]. After growing criticism, the [[WHO]] stopped the circumcision program in 2020, but the effects of the campaign are still being felt today.
The documentary investigates when circumcision actually makes medical sense and critically questions the ethics of this millennia-old practice.
== Sequence ==
* 00:00: A teaser presents key scenes from the documentary.
* 01:45: Main thread of the documentation: [[Florian Porsch|Florian]], 22, from Germany, was [[circumcised ]] when he was 5 years old. Reason: [[phimosis]]. Was he circumcised unnecessarily?
'''History and statistics of circumcision'''
'''Religious and cultural circumcision'''
* 28:16: For [[Seyran Ateş]], lawyer and liberal imam from Berlin, the child's right to [[physical integrity ]] is the top priority.
* 29:17: The blogger [[Funda Celik]], mother of two sons, describes how she managed to convince her sons' father that circumcision is not necessary for Muslims either.
* 30:30: She interviews the victim [[Tayfun Aksoy]], who tells her how he was [[circumcised ]] in the hospital against his express will under another pretext.
* 32:15: The film briefly touches on Jewish circumcision [[Brit Milah]], which is usually performed on the 8th day after the birth of a boy.
* 32:34: It then introduces a bloodless alternative Jewish ritual, the [[Brit Shalom]].
* 32:48: The French organization [[Brit Shalom l'Alliance sans Souffrance]] supports [[Brit Shalom]] in France. The Jewish couple [[Sarah Van de Rosieren|Sarah]] and [[Victor Van de Rosieren|Victor]] are introduced, who did not have their son [[circumcised]].
* 35:15: In a video conversation with them, the Israeli Rabbi Nardy Grün made it clear that the topic [[circumcision]] is still taboo in [[Israel ]] and that an estimated 2% of all Jewish boys and men are not [[circumcised]]. But as a liberal rabbi, he sees no obligation to "mark" someone's body to enter into covenant with God.
'''Study about circumcision [[trauma]]'''
* 37:47: Back to [[Florian Porsch|Florian]] again. The film presents a study by Prof. [[Matthias Franz]] at the {{UNI|Uni Düsseldorf|HHU}} that examines the long-term psychological consequences of circumcision in early childhood.
'''Africa VMMC in children and infants'''
* 40:39: Back to [[Jutta Reisinger]], who visits a young mother in Kenya whose young son was [[circumcised ]] when urinating after a bloated foreskin, although this alone is not a [[medical indication]]. The boy then had a so-called "buried penis" that retracted completely into the abdominal cavity.
* 42:38: Dr [[Jutta Reisinger|Reisinger]] sends diagnostic photos to Prof. [[Maximilian Stehr]], ...
* 43:44: ... who advises a reconstructive post-op and finds it "contemptuous" when doctors operate on healthy children without a [[medical indication]].
* 44:40: The mother in Kenya has no money to have such an operation performed.
* 44:57: dr [[Jutta Reisinger|Reisinger]] can watch and assist with an infant [[circumcision ]] in a hospital in Kenya. The documentary shows that the boy feels the strongest [[pain]]s despite being given a pain reliever and then falls into rigidity of [[shock]].* 46:06: dr [[Jutta Reisinger|Reisinger]] notes that the mother who consented to [[circumcision]] was informed, but the boy himself could not consent and that the [[medical indication ]] is questionable.
'''Florian's lawsuit'''
}}</ref> were published in 2021, which set the framework for [[medical indications indication]]s much more narrowly.
* 50:48: [[Victor Schiering]] calls for an open discussion in society on this topic.
* 51:48: In conclusion, the documentation states that [[circumcision ]] that is not medically indicated violates "the right of the child to [[physical integrity ]] and self-determination".
== Video ==
YouTube [ The film is currently still available in the SWR media library.] [ BitChute provides a copy of the documentation version with German, Dutch, and English subtitles:<youtube>ayvq04lU5q8</youtube>.]
== Press reactions ==
* {{REFweb
|title=Beschneidungs-Doku – Ben reagiert |
|trans-title=Circumcision Documentary – Ben Reacts |
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