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How Does Circumcision Affect Your Penis?

720 bytes removed, 16:55, 8 October 2022
using template DeWitte etal 2007
This video mentions a "Mayo clinic study". This study was not performed by Mayo clinic, or at the Mayo clinic locations, or by its staff, or commissioned by Mayo clinic. This was a very biased paper submitted by pro-circumcision advocates [[Brian J. Morris]] and [[Thomas E. Wiswell]] to Mayo Clinic Proceedings.
This dated video contains totally inaccurate information about [[circumcision and HIV]] infection. The Langerhans cells in the [[foreskin]] actually protect against HIV infection. deWitte et. al. (2007) found that not only are Langerhans cells found all over the body and that their complete removal is virtually impossible, but furthermore, deWitte found that Langerhans cells that are present in the [[foreskin]] produce ''Langerin'', a substance that has been proven to kill the [[HIV]] virus on contact, acting as a natural barrier to HIV-1 transmission by Langerhans cells.<ref>{{REFjournal |last=de Witte |first=Lot |init=L |last2=Nabatov |first2=Alexey |init2=A |last3=Pion |first3=Marjorie |init3=M |last4=Fluitsma |first4=Donna |init4=D |last5=de Jong |first5=Marein A.W.P. |init5=MAWP |last6=de Gruijl |first6=Tanja |init6=T |last7=Piguet |first7=Vincent |init7=V |last8=van Kooyk |first8=Yvette |init8=Y |last9=Geijtenbeek |first9=Teunis B.H. |init9=TBH |title=Langerin is a natural barrier to HIV-1 transmission by Langerhans cells |journal=Nature Medicine |volume=13 |issue=3 |pages=367-71 |url= |format=PDF |pubmedID=17334373 |pubmedCID=10.1038/nm1541 |DOI=10.1038/nm1541 |date=DeWitte etal 2007-03-04 |accessdate=2022-10-06}}</ref>
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