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Regret men

49 bytes added, 23:41, 8 November 2022
Options for treatment of lost foreskin: Revise text.
The options for treatment are few. [[Surgical foreskin restoration]] has been tried but is no longer recommended. Men, seeking to undo the unfortunate results of their circumcision, may opt for non-surgical [[foreskin restoration]], which uses [[tissue expansion]] to elongate the residual shaft skin to form a new foreskin. It is claimed that it restores about 80 percent of the lost sensation.
Other regret men are awaiting the hoped for success of [[Foregen]] to regenerate a missing [[foreskin ]] as a salamander regenerates its lost tail, however this is not yet a proven procedure
==Other classes of regret men==
Other classes of regret men include the [[regret dad]], the male [[regret doctor]] who regrets the circumcisions he formerly performed, and [[cut (circumcised) dads with intact sons]].

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