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La Leche League International

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'''{{FULLPAGENAME}}''' (LLLI) is an international non-governmental organization that advocates and promotes [[breastfeeding]] of infants. LLLI was organized in 1956, in Franklin Park, IL by a group of seven mothers who wanted to provide breastfeeding help and support to interested women. It is now has a presence in numerous nations.

LLLI selects mothers who have breastfed for at least one year to be "Leaders", who help other mothers with breasnfeeding issues.

LLLI believes it should not mix causes. Although it has abundant information on the issues created by [[circumcision]] with breastfeeding initation, it confines availability of that information to its Leaders.
* {{REFweb
|title=Breastfeeding Problems After Circumcision
|publisher=La Leche League


* {{URLwebsite||2022-12-13}}

[[Category:Parental information]]

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