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Book Data
Title un-heil: Vorhaut, Phimose & Beschneidung
SubtitleZeitgemäße Antworten für Jungen, Eltern und Multiplikatoren
AuthorDr. rer. nat. Meike Beier & Mario Lichtenheldt
Pages 200
Format12.7 x 1.07 x 20.32 cm
ISBN‎ 978-3842495401

un-heil: Vorhaut, Phimose & Beschneidung - Zeitgemäße Antworten für Jungen, Eltern und Multiplikatoren [un-intact: foreskin, phimosis & circumcision - contemporary answers for boys, parents and multipliers]is a collection of information on foreskin, phimosis and circumcision.

Book cover

Despite modern non-surgical and foreskin-preserving surgical treatment options, countless boys in Germany are still circumcised because of an often harmless phimosis of their foreskin. Overseas, pharmaceutical companies are doing big business with the foreskin and pain in newborn males. In Africa and Australia, the circumcision of boys is a cruel ritual that kills many every year, and for Jews and Muslims it is an important symbol that cannot be done without. The circumcision of boys - the very everyday child abuse!

See also

External links