Pain Petition to the American Academy of Pediatrics

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Intact America has introduced a petition to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) which calls for the AAP to stop the pain of circumcision by telling its many members to stop performing the outmoded but still common medically-unnecessary, non-therapeutic circumcision of newborn boys.[1] When circumcision is not performed the result is genital integrity.

The petition is located on the website.[2]


The AAP published its last circumcision policy statement on 1 September 2012. It was designed to promote the circumcision industry from which many pediatricians, obstetricians, and family doctors derive substantial income. The statement was egregiously inaccurate and biased, so it received huge amounts of criticism. It was a total embarrassment to a professional organization so it was allowed to expire without being affirmed after 5 years (31 August 2017). In spite of its expired status and admittedly misleading information, the AAP continues to maintain the statement on its website, apparently to promote the business of circumcision for its members' increased profit.[3]

The AAP protects the income of its members by failing to apply general medical principles of human rights, medical ethics, and pain control to circumcision.

Statement by Doctors Opposing Circumcision

Doctors Opposing Circumcision (DOC) is an educational charitable organization. It refuted the false claims made by the AAP and other medical trade associations in its statement on genital integrity. In its conclusion the statement said:

We recommend that the genital integrity of boys be preserved. Parental request for non-therapeutic circumcision of a son appears to exceed the powers granted to parents by law. We further recommend that doctors refuse to perform non-therapeutic circumcision at parental request.

We call on all segments of the medical community and of society to work together to create an environment in which newborn and immature human beings receive the respect for human dignity and the special protection they so richly deserve.[4]

See also


  1. REFweb Chapin, Georganne (21 February 2016). Petition to American Academy of Pediatrics: Please Sign to END THE PAIN!, Intact America. Retrieved 16 November 2024.
  2. REFweb -. AAP, Please Protect Our Boys!, Retrieved 16 November 2024.
  3. REFweb -Circumcision Task Force (1 September 2012). Circumcision Policy Statement Icons-mini-file pdf.svg, AAP. Retrieved 16 November 2024.
  4. REFdocument Genital Integrity Policy Statement PDF, Doctors Opposing Circumcision.. (June 2008). Retrieved 17 November 2024.