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The [http://www.gaamerica.org/symposia/fourth/diers.htmlThe Skoptzy: The Russian Sect of the Castrated]
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The '''Fourth International Symposium''' on sexual mutilations convened at the [https://www.unil.ch/central/en/home.htmlUniversity of Lausanne] in Lausanne, Switzerland on August 9-11, 1996.
* Aldeeb, Sami A. Doctor of Law.
[http://www.gaamerica.org/symposia/fourth/aldeeb.html Jehovah, His Cousin Allah, and Sexual Mutilations]
* Baker, Jeannine Parvati
[http://www.gaamerica.org/symposia/fourth/baker.html The Wound Reveals the Cure]
* Bonner, Charles, David Llewellyn, and Zenas Baer
[http://www.gaamerica.org/symposia/fourth/bonner4.html Lawsuits in the News (a panel discussion)]
* Demeo, James
[http://www.gaamerica.org/symposia/fourth/demeo.html The Geography of Male and Female Genital Mutilations]
* Denniston, George, M.D.
[http://www.gaamerica.org/symposia/fourth/denniston4.html Circumcision: An Iatrogenic Epidemic]
* Diers, Didier and Xavier Valla
* Ellsworth, Barry
[http://www.gaamerica.org/symposia/fourth/ellsworth.html The Nurses of St. Vincent: Saying “No” To Circumcision]
* Gallo, P. G., F. Vivani, M. Livio, R. Corsaro, F. De Cordova, G. Fortunato; S. Beccaccini, S. Hassan
[http://www.gaamerica.org/symposia/fourth/gallo.html Epidemiological Surveys on Female Genital Mutilation in Italy]
* Goodman, Jenny, M.D.
[http://www.gaamerica.org/symposia/fourth/goodman.html Challenging Circumcision: A Jewish Perspective]
* Hammond, Tim
Male Sexual Mutilation: Revealing the Harm, Healing the Wounds