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Ninth International Symposium

4 bytes added, 01:13, 14 March 2021
Faculty: Wikify Yngve Hofvander.
* '''[[George Hill]]''' is the Vice-President for Bioethics and Medical Science, Doctors Opposing Circumcision. Seattle, WA, USA.
* '''[[Frederick M. Hodges| Frederick Mansfield Hodges]]''', DPhil (Oxon), medical historian, author, and co-author of What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Circumcision. Berkeley, California, USA.
* '''[[Yngve Hofvander]]''', MD, is a pediatrician and Professor, International Child Health, Uppsala University. Uppsala, Sweden.
* '''Primus Lake''', is a Professor, Nusa Cendana University. Kupang, West Timor, Indonesia.
* '''Romeo B. Lee''', is Associate Professor, Behavioural Sciences, De La Salle University-Manila. Manila, Philippines.

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