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→Information for parents regarding non-therapeutic circumcision of infant boys.
==Information for parents regarding non-therapeutic circumcision of infant boys.==
This section is for all parents of boys, but is addressed primarily to parents of boys who are located in the [[United States of America]], who appear to be most uninformed or misinformed about the [[foreskin]] and [[circumcision]]. Information is not making it to parents. Studies have shown that doctors provide parents with almost no accurate or useful information about circumcision. After several generation generations of promotion of and near universal neonatal circumcision in the United States, most Americans are profoundly ignorant of a normal body partand its valuable functions.
===Provision of relevant information===
The use of local anesthetics significantly drives up the costs of surgery. When anesthetics are used, they can only reduce the [[pain]], not eliminate it. Infants can not be given general anesthesia because of the medical risks involved. In the recent past, anesthesia was rarely used, if ever. Because of this, circumcision has always been an extremely traumatizing experience causing an array of short and long term behavioral and developmental problems<ref>{{REFjournal