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Sixth International Symposium

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* '''Seham Abd el Salam Muhammed,''' {{MD}}, research fellow, Department of Sociology-Anthropology, the {{UNI|American University in Cairo|AUC}}, member of the Egyptian FGM Task Force, founder of Resource Center of FGM Cairo, Egypt.
* '''John Aldous''', co-founder E.B.-N.O.R.M. (Everyman’s Birthright - National Organization of Restoring Men). Everard Park, South Australia.
* '''[[Zenas Baer]]''', {{JD}}, attorney concentrating on Federal Civil Rights Litigation. Hawley, Minnesota{{USSC|MN}}, USA.* '''[[Jeannine Parvati Baker]]''', MS, co-founder, Six Directions non-profit educational organisation, author and lecturer. Joseph, Utah{{USSC|UT}}, USA.
* '''Peter Ball''', {{MA}}, MB, B.Chir., retired family practitioner, producer and director, non-surgical foreskin restoration video. Turnbridge Wells, Kent, UK.
* '''Gillian A. Bensley''' conducted research study for Bachelor of Social Science (Honours) degree in Psychology. {{UNI|Bond University|BOND}}, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.
* '''[[Dan Bollinger| Daniel H. Bollinger]], III''', {{BA}}, founder and Director, Wabash Men’s Council,Indiana{{USSC|IN}}, USA.* '''[[Charles A. Bonner]]''', {{JD}}, civil rights, personal injury, and medical malpractice attorney. Sausalito, California{{USSC|CA}}, USA.
* '''[[Gregory J. Boyle]]''', {{PhD}}, Professor of Psychology, {{UNI|Bond University|BOND}}. Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.
* '''[[Mary Conant]]''', {{RN}}, conscientious objector to circumcision, co-founder, Nurses for the Rights of the Child. Santa Fe, New Mexico{{USSC|NM}}, USA.
* '''[[Robert Darby]]''', {{PhD}}, scholar and editor, researched the history of the rise and decline of routine circumcision in Australia for his book on the subject. Canberra, Australia.
* '''[[Paul M. Fleiss| Paul Fleiss]]''', {{MD}}, {{MPH}}, paediatrician. Los Angeles, California{{USSC|CA}}, USA.
* '''Tracey Gemmel''', candidate for Postgraduate Diploma of Professional Psychology, {{UNI|Bond University|BOND}}. Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.
* '''Pia Grassivaro Gallo''', {{PhD}}, associate professor, general biology, Faculty of Psychology, {{UNI|University of Padua|UNIPD}}. Padua, Italy.
* '''[[Frederick M. Hodges]]''', {{PhD}} (Oxon), medical historian, co-editor, Male and Female Circumcision: Medical, Legal, and Ethical Considerations in Pediatric Practice (Kluwer Academic/Plenum Press 1999). {{UNI|University of Oxford|Oxon}}, Oxford, UK.
* '''LeYoni Junos''', Director, Amnesty International Bermuda, Bermuda Human Rights Commissioner. Hamilton, Bermuda.
* '''Michael Katz''', {{MD}}, Vice President of Research for the March of Dimes. White Plains, New York{{USSC|NY}}, USA.
* '''DaiSik Kim''', {{PhD}}, Professor, Department of Physics, {{UNI|Seoul National University|SNU}}. Seoul, Korea.
* '''Sae Chul Kim''', {{MD}}, Department of Urology, College of Medicine, {{UNI|Chung Ang University|CAU}}, Seoul, Korea.
* '''Tina Kimmel''', MSW, {{MPH}}, doctoral candidate in public health, {{UNI|University of California|UCSF}}, Berkeley, Director, NOCIRC of California – East Bay. Oakland, California{{USSC|CA}}, USA.
* '''Peter Lawrence''', MS, doctoral candidate, {{UNI|University of Sydney|USYD}}, counsellor,and founder of UNCIRC of Australia in 1994. Sydney, NSW, Australia.
* '''Els Leye''', Female Genital Mutilation Project Coordinator, International Centre for Reproductive Health. Ghent, Belgium.
* '''[[Hanny Lightfoot-Klein]]''', {{MA}}, cross-cultural sexologist and clinical supervisor,The American Board of Sexology, author, Prisoners of Ritual: An Odyssey Into Female Genital Mutilation, A Woman’s Odyssey into Africa: Tracks Across a Life, and Genital Surgery and the Rights of Children. Tucson, Arizona{{USSC|AZ}}, USA.
* '''Linda Massie''', BSc, PG/Dip, founder and Director, NOCIRC of Northern Ireland. Glen gormley, County Antrim, Northern Ireland.
* '''Brett McCann''', Counsellor, Sexual Health Clinic, Sydney Hospital, President, Australasian Sexual Health Counsellors Society. Sydney, NSW, Australia.
* '''[[Ken McGrath| Kenneth A. McGrath]]''', VRD, {{MS}} (Hons), LIBiol, MNZIMLS, RNZNVR (Rtd), Senior Lecturer in Pathology, Faculty of Health Studies, {{UNI|Auckland University of Technology|AUT}}. Auckland, New Zealand.
* '''[[Marilyn Fayre Milos]]''', {{RN}}, co-founder and Director, NationalOrganization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers(NOCIRC), Coordinator, International Symposia on Genital Integrity. San Anselmo, California{{USSC|CA}}, USA.
* '''Pandy S. Ndimwibo''', {{BA}} SWASA, DIP PPM, PGD Counselling,Chairman of the Uganda Reproductive Health Bureau. Kampala, Uganda, Africa.
* '''Juliana Nkrumah''', MS, Community Education and Development Officer, NSW Education Program on FGM, Ethnic Affairs Commission of NSW, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
* '''Myung-Geol Pang''', {{PhD}}, GenDix, Co., Korea, Institute of Reproductive Medicine and Population, Medical Research Center, {{UNI|Seoul National University|SNU}}. Seoul, Korea.
* '''Shane Peterson''', {{PhD}}, International Office for Men’s Health and Gender Studies, School of Nursing and Public Health, {{UNI|Edith Cowan University|ECU}}. Canberra, ACT, Australia.
* '''Royal Phillips''', CBE, international childbirth instructor, columnist, Montecito Journal. Santa Barbara, California{{USSC|CA}}, USA.
* '''Samuel M. Ramos''' conducted research study for Bachelor of Social Science (Honours) degree in Psychology at {{UNI|Bond University|BOND}}. Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.
* '''Samuel Richmond''', {{BA}}, MLS, librarian and Director, NOCIRC of California - Irvine. Irvine, California{{USSC|CA}}, USA.
* '''William Sides''', Managing Director of Sides Engineering, developed the “Pill Tube” foreskin restoration method. Wheelers Hill, Victoria, Australia.
* '''[[Morris L. Sorrells]]''', {{MD}}, retired paediatrician, consultant. Atherton, California{{USSC|CA}}, USA.* '''[[J. Steven Svoboda]]''', {{JD}}, founder and Director, Attorneys for the Rights of the Child (ARC), Berkeley, California{{USSC|CA}}, USA.
* '''Moisés Tractenberg''', {{MD}}, psychoanalyst, author, Director, NOCIRC of Brazil. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
* '''[[John W. Travis]]''', {{MD}}, {{MPH}}, founder and co-director, Wellness Associates, author, Wellness Inventory and the Wellness Workbook, co-founder, International Coalition for Genital Integrity, co-founder, Alliance for Transforming the Lives of Children. East Gipsland, Victoria, Australia.
* '''[[J. Neville Turner]]''', LLB (Hons), {{BA}}, barrister and solicitor, authored six books and numerous articles on child and family law, board member and former president of Oz Child. Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
* '''Franco Viviani''', {{PhD}}, professor, physical education, cultural anthropology, and general biology, {{UNI|University of Padua|UNIPD}}. Padua, Italy.
* '''[[Shelton Walden| Shelton Harrison Walden]]''', {{BA}}, Executive Producer and host, Walden’s Pond, WBAI radio, teacher, High School for Environmental Studies. New York, New York{{USSC|NY}}, USA.
* '''[[John Warren]]''', MB, DCH, FRCP, founder and Director, National Organization of Restoring Men (NORM-UK), Director, NOCIRC of UK. Harlow, Essex, UK.
* '''Norma Wilcox''', {{RN}}, MS, Director, Urological/GynecologicalTeaching Associate Programs, {{UNI|Stanford University|SU}} and {{UNI|University of California|UCSF}}/San Francisco Schools of Medicine and Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine. San Francisco, California{{USSC|CA}}, USA.
* '''[[George L. Williams| George Williams]]''', {{MBChB}}, {{FRACP}}, consultant paediatrician/perinatologist, founder and Director, NOCIRC of Australia. Menai, New South Wales, Australia.
* '''[[Hugh Young]]''', BSc, journalist and radio producer, Auckland, Whangarei, Honiara (Solomon Islands), Gisborne, and Wellington. Pukerua Bay, Aotearoa, New Zealand.
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