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Für genitale Selbstbestimmung

4 bytes added, 17:25, 20 November 2018
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After about three months, the group's founder left the group, without naming a successor as admin. [[Ulf Dunkel]], who already had discussed and contributed intense and had asked the group founder multiple times to exclude certain people because of right-wing statements from the group, took over the administration of the Facebook group.
Ulf Dunkel led the group until Dec 18, 2012, when he temporarily ceased all intactivism [[intactivist]] activities temporarily because of the media ''shit storm'' on him because of his burst of rage about a [[It´s A Boy!|circumcision documentary]] and his circumcision poem.
After the adoption of the [[German Circumcision Act]] on Dec 12, 2012, the group now first and foremost concentrates on pursueing and commenting the [[circumcision]] topic in the international media.
administrator, administrators, Bureaucrats, Interface administrators, Administrators

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