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Andrea Music

23 bytes added, 03:02, 28 December 2023
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I wanted it to be wrong so bad. I wanted to believe I did what was best but the evidence was right there. It was even in the most recent what to expect when you’re expecting books. So I sat and held my baby and just cried. I am his mother and I’m supposed to protect him why didn’t I just listen to my gut, why didn’t anyone tell me I didn’t need to, I had all these feelings and so much guilt that will never go away but I vowed I would never do it again and I would do everything I can to help educate other moms because I wish someone would have sent me a message, I would have probably been so relieved knowing i didn’t have to do it.
Well here I am almost 6 years later and I have a perfect whole and healthy 3-month-old and it has been so much different in a good way my 2nd son was a lot more content his first weeks and he took to [[breastfeeding| breast feeding ]] a lot faster ; he would actually wake up for feedings and stay latched and not worrying about a wound on ur your newborn was such a relief.
I did have them at the same hospital and I had the same dr ; he was not the one who performed the circ tho. He is actually a very progressive dr especially for his age. He didn’t ever tell me I didn’t have to do it, never was really discuss the first time. The second time around I did ask him just so my husband could “hear it from a professional” he said my o.b told him is was absolutely just cosmetic and a boy would little to no issues with staying [[intact]]. My second stay with my son I was only asked once about [[circumcision]] and I said no that was that, I did have it in my birth plan as well. They were a great hospital honestly, if they would just give people a heads up, like hey, you know you can say no to this and it will be okay. But what’s done is done and I hate that my son has to live with my mistake.,😞 but I will tell him how sorry I am and that I wasn’t educated.
The dr that performed my son's circ was Dr. Jaclyn Liston from Oaklawn hospital in Marshall, Michigan.

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