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Ridged band

56 bytes removed, 14:40, 28 September 2019
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| pubmedCID=2214164
| DOI=
| accessdate=2019-09-28 September 2019
}} </ref>
| pubmedID=17552969
| pubmedCID=
| DOI= | accessdate=2019-09-28 September 2019
| pubmedCID=
| DOI=10.1111/j.1743-6109.2007.00588.x
| accessdate=2019-09-28 September 2019
More recent studies provide additional evidence of the sensory and sexual function of the ridged band and foreskin. Podnar (2012), working in Slovenia, compared the sexual response of normal intact men and circumcised men. The bulbo-covernosus reflex was elicitable in 92 percent of normal intact men, but it was elicitable in only 27 percent of circumcised men.<ref>{{REFjournal
| last=Podnar
| first=S
| pubmedID=22897330
| pubmedCID=
| DOI= | accessdate=2019-09-28 September 2019.
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