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Brian D. Earp

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<!-- [[File:S200 brian d..earp.jpg|thumb|Brian D. Earp]] -->
'''Brian D. Earp''' is an US American intactivist, contributing writer at ''The Atlantic'', Associate Director, Yale-Hastings Program in Ethics and Health Policy at The Hastings Center and Research assistant at the Oxford Centre for Neuroethics.
<!-- This one seems to be a duplicate of another publication: * [http Female genital mutilation (FGM) Does_circumcision_reduce_penis_sensitivity_The_answer_is_not_clear_cut Boys and girls alike: The ethics of male and female "circumcision: Should there be a separate ethical discourse?"]-->* [{{REFjournal |url= |title=The AAP report on circumcision: Bad science + bad ethics = bad medicine]* [https://www |first=Brian D.academia |last=Earp |author-link=Brian Does circumcision reduce penis sensitivity? The answer is not clear cut]Earp |journal=Practical Ethics |location=University of Oxford |date=2012 |accessdate=2020-02-09}}* [{{REFjournal |url= Boys and girls alike: The_ethics_of_infant_male_circumcision |title=The ethics of infant male and female "circumcision"]* [http://www |last=Earp |first=Brian D. |author-link=Brian D.academiaEarp |journal=J Med Ethics |date=2013-04-11 |pages=1–3 |DOI=10.edu1136/19117334/In_defence_of_genital_autonomy_for_children In defence of genital autonomy for children]medethics-2013-101517 |accessdate=2020-02-09}}* [{{REFjournal |url= Between moral relativism Female_genital_mutilation_FGM_and_male_circumcision_Should_there_be_a_separate_ethical_discourse |title=Female genital mutilation (FGM) and moral hypocrisymale circumcision: Reframing the debate on "FGM"]Should there be a separate ethical discourse? |last=Earp |first=Brian D. |author-link=Brian D. Earp |journal=Practical Ethics |location=University of Oxford |DOI=10.13140/2.1.3530.4967 |date=2014 |accessdate=2020-02-09}}* [{{REFjournal |url= |title=Female genital mutilation and male circumcision: Toward an autonomy-based ethical framework]* [https://www |last=Earp |first=Brian D.academia |author-link=Brian Circumcision of Male infants Earp |journal=Medicolegal and children as a public health measure in developed countries: A critical assessment of recent evidence] with [[Morten Frisch]]Bioethics |volume=5 |date=2015 |pages=89-104 |accessdate=2020-02-09}}* [ The ethics of infant male circumcision]{{REFjournal* [ |url= |title=The need to control for socially desirable responding in studies on the sexual effects of male circumcision] |last=Earp |first=Brian D. |author-link=Brian D. Earp |date=2015 |journal=PLoS ONE |volume=10 |issue=9 |pages=1-12 |accessdate=2020-02-09}}* [https{{REFjournal |url= Infant Sex_and_circumcision |title=Sex and circumcision and adult penile sensitivity: Implications for sexual experience] |last=Earp |first=Brian D. |author-link=Brian D. Earp |date=2015 |journal=American Journal of Bioethics |volume=15 |issue=2 |pages=43-45 |accessdate=2020-02-09}}* [{{REFjournal |url= Male Does_science_support_infant_circumcision |title=Does science support infant circumcision: Who should decide?]* [http://www |last=Earp |first=Brian D.academia |author-link=Brian Sex and circumcision]Earp |last2=Darby |first2=Robert |author2-link=Robert Darby |date=2015 |journal=The Skeptic |volume=25 |issue=3 |pages=23-30 |accessdate=2020-02-09}}* [{{REFjournal |url= Does science support infant Strengths_and_weaknesses_in_the_2015_Canadian_Paediatric_Society_statement_regarding_newborn_male_circumcision |title=Strengths and weaknesses in the 2015 Canadian Paediatric Society statement regarding newborn male circumcision?] |last=Earp |first=Brian D. |date=2015 |journal=Paediatrics & Child Health |volume=20 |issue=8 |pages=433-434 |accessdate=2020-02-09}}* [{{REFjournal |url= |title=Do the benefits of male circumcision outweigh the risks? A critique of the proposed CDC guidelines] |last=Earp |first=Brian D. |author-link=Brian D. Earp |journal=Frontiers in Pediatrics |volume=3 |issue=18 |DOI=10.3389/fped.2015.00018 |date=2015-03-18 |accessdate=2020-02-09}}* [{{REFjournal |url= |title=Should surgery for hypospadias be performed before an age of consent? |first=Adrienne |last=Carmack |author-link=Adrienne Carmack |first2=Lauren |last2=Notini |first3=Brian D. |last3=Earp |date=2015-10-19 |journal=The Journal of Sex Research |DOI=10.1080/Strengths_and_weaknesses_in_the_2015_Canadian_Paediatric_Society_statement_regarding_newborn_male_circumcision Strengths and weaknesses in the 00224499.2015 Canadian Paediatric Society statement regarding newborn male .1066745 |accessdate=2020-02-09}}* {{REFjournal |url= |title=In defence of genital autonomy for children |last=Earp |first=Brian D. |author-link=Brian D. Earp |journal=Journal of Medical Ethics |volume=41 |issue=3 |pages=158-163 |date=2016 |accessdate=2020-02-09}}* {{REFjournal |url= |title=Male circumcision]: Who should decide? |last=Earp |first=Brian D. |author-link=Brian D. Earp |date=2016 |journal=Pediatrics |volume=37 |issue=5 |accessdate=2020-02-09}}* [{{REFjournal |url= |title=The unbearable asymmetry of bullshit] |last=Earp |first=Brian D. |author-link=Brian D. Earp |journal=HealthWatch Newsletter |date=2016-02-15 |volume=101 |pages=4-5 |accessdate=2020-02-09}}* {{REFnews |url= |title=Does Circumcision Reduce Penis Sensitivity? The Answer Is Not Clear Cut |first=Brian D. |last=Earp |author-link=Brian D. Earp |publisher=The Huffington Post |date=2016-04-21 |accessdate=2020-02-09}}* {{REFjournal |url= |title=Between moral relativism and moral hypocrisy: Reframing the debate on "FGM" |last=Earp |first=Brian D. |author-link=Brian D. Earp |journal=Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal |volume=26 |issue=2 |date=2016-06 |pages=105-144 |publisher=Johns Hopkins University Press |accessdate=2020-02-09}}* [{{REFjournal |url= Should surgery Infant_circumcision_and_adult_penile_sensitivity_Implications_for_sexual_experience |title=Infant circumcision and adult penile sensitivity: Implications for hypospadias be performed before an age sexual experience |last=Earp |first=Brian D. |author-link=Brian D. Earp |journal=Trends in Urology & Men's Health |volume=7 |issue=4 |pages=17-21 |date=2016-06 |accessdate=2020-02-09}}* {{REFjournal |url= |title=Circumcision of Male infants and children as a public health measure in developed countries: A critical assessment of consent?] with [[Adrienne Carmack]]recent evidence |last=Frisch |first=Morten |author-link=Morten Frisch |last2=Earp |first2=Brian D. |author2-link=Brian D. Earp |date=2018 |journal=Global Public Health |volume=13 |issue=5 |pages=626-641 |DOI=10.1080/17441692.2016.1184292 |accessdate=2020-02-09}}
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