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Brit Milah

60 bytes added, 14:04, 25 August 2023
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A boy born to a Jewish mother is a Jew without regard to his circumcision status.
The Christian elders, meeting at the [[Council at Jerusalem]] in about 49 A.D. rejected Brit milah Milah as a Christian practice, however it remains a Jewish practice.
Medical science has identified several risks associated with Brit Milah. Brit Milah is a surgical operation and, like all surgical operations, has the risks of [[infection]], [[bleeding]], and surgical misadventure, up to and including loss of the [[penis]] and [[death]].
* [[Brit Shalom]]
* [[Judaism]]
* [[Metzitzah b'peh]]
* [[Pain]]
* [[Penile herpes simplex virus type 1 infection (after Jewish ritual circumcision)]]

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