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As doctors, we see with the greatest concern the kneeling to religious pressure in the case of circumcision of boys.
If the politicians at Christiansborg decide that healthy boys must continue to be able to be [[circumcised ]] before they come of age, which we as doctors strongly advise against, then the minimum requirement must be to ensure the boys competent surgery and pain relief during the operation. It can only be achieved by having trained surgeons perform the procedure and postpone it until after the age of 2, where it can take place under full anesthesia, as recommended by the country's surgeons and anaesthesiologists.
However, the Jewish community is not to be slammed or stabbed when it comes to ensuring medically sound surgery and pain relief. It shows recently published minutes from meetings between the Jewish Community and the Danish Agency for Patient Safety on the boy [[circumcision ]] problem.
In [[Brit Milah| Jewish boy circumcisions ]] in [[Denmark]], the operation is performed by a [[Mohel| religious circumciser]] who is not a doctor, and only Emla (popularly called magic cream) is used, which provides insufficient, superficial pain relief. Emla is the least effective form of local anesthetic; the pain relief is significantly worse than with local anesthesia with injection of anesthetic at the root of the penis and significantly less than that obtained with full anesthesia. In addition, Emla is not at all approved by the Danish Medicines Agency for use on the genitals of children under 12 years of age.
For ritual circumcisions performed by doctors in private surgical clinics, local anesthesia with injection of anesthetic at the root of the penis and possibly prior Emla is used. It gives the boys significantly better pain relief than at the ritual Jewish circumcisions. Unfortunately, this type of local anesthesia fails in up to every 10-20. cases and therefore does not ensure all boys pain relief. The boys also risk circulatory problems and possibly cardiac arrest if the anesthetic is accidentally injected directly into the bloodstream or into the swelling bodies of the penis.
Ved jødiske drengeomskæringer i Danmark udføres operationen af en religiøs omskærer, som ikke er læge, og der benyttes kun Emla (populært kaldet tryllecreme), der yder utilstrækkelig, overfladisk smertelindring. Emla er den mindst effektive form for lokalbedøvelse; smertelindringen er væsentligt ringere end ved lokalbedøvelse med injektion af bedøvelsesmiddel ved penisroden og markant ringere end den, der opnås ved fuld bedøvelse. Desuden er Emla slet ikke godkendt af Lægemiddelstyrelsen til anvendelse på kønsorganerne på børn under 12 år.
Ved [[Brit Milah| rituelle omskæringer ]] udført af læger i kirurgiske privatklinikker benyttes lokalbedøvelse med injektion af bedøvelsesmiddel ved penisroden og eventuelt forudgående Emla. Det giver drengene væsentligt bedre smertelindring end ved de rituelle jødiske omskæringer. Desværre svigter denne form for lokalbedøvelse i op mod hvert 10.-20. tilfælde og sikrer derfor ikke alle drenge smertefrihed. Drengene risikerer også kredsløbsproblemer og evt. hjertestop, hvis bedøvelsesmidlet ved et hændeligt uheld sprøjtes direkte i blodbanen eller i svulmelegemerne i penis.
Af referaterne fra møderne mellem Det Jødiske Samfund og Styrelsen for Patientsikkerhed fremgår det, at førstnævnte »har betydelige forbehold« over for lokalbedøvelse med injektion af bedøvelsesmiddel ved penisroden, og at et krav om fuld bedøvelse vil stride mod »jødisk lov«.
* [[Denmark]]
* [[Dansk Folkeparti]]
* [[Intact Denmark]]
* [[Dansk FolkepartiPain]]
* [[Resolution_by_the_Parliamentary_Assembly_of_the_Council_of_Europe#Resolution_1952| Resolution 1952]]

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