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Eighth International Symposium

149 bytes added, 18:33, 14 August 2020
Thursday, 2 September: Add links.
* Iatrogenic Damage Awareness Increasing Among Circumcision Survivors
: ''[[Jim Bigelow]]'' and ''R. Wayne Griffiths''; presented by R. Wayne Griffiths
* Survey [ of the East-African Female Students at the University of Padua]
: ''Stella Lineri, Chiara Rahue'', and ''Pia Grassivaro Gallo''; presented by Stella Lineri
* Emigration and Tradition
: ''Mariagrazia Scalis''e and ''Giovanni Hassan''; presented by Mariagrazia Scalise
* Accounts of the Labia Minora Elongation Rite by Baganda Girls (ages 12-16)
: ''Anna Laura Comunian, Elisabetta Villa, Federica Bicchielli'', and ''Pia Grassivaro Gallo''; presented by Laura Comunian
* [ Psycholinguistic Approaches to Ritual Labia Minora Elongation Among the Baganda Women of Uganda]
: ''Franco Viviani, Elisabetta Villa'', and ''Pia Grassivaro Gallo''; presented by Franco Viviani
* [ Deinfibulation in Italy]
: ''Lara Franco, Lisa Rivaroli, Elena DiMaro, Franco Viviani'', and ''Pia Grassivaro Gallo''; presented by Lara Franco
* [ Preliminary Research About the Psycho-Sexual Aspects of the Operation of Deinfibulation]
: ''Saulo Sirigatti, Lucrezia Catania, Sara Simone, Silvia Casale'', and ''Abdulcadir Omar Hussen''; presented by Lucrezia Catania
* Toward the Suppression of an Initiation Rite: Infibulation

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