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Eighth International Symposium

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'''15:45''' Break<br>
'''16:00''' Survey of the East-African Female Students at the University of Padua – Stella Lineri, Chiara Rahue, and Pia Grassivaro Gallo; presented by Stella Lineri<br>
'''16:20''' Emigration and Tradition – Mariagrazia Scalise and Giovanni Hassan; presented by Mariagrazia Scalise<br>'''16:40''' Accounts of the Labia Minora Elongation Rite by Baganda Girls (ages 12-16)– Anna Laura Comunian, Elisabetta Villa, Federica Bicchielli, and Pia Grassivaro Gallo; presented by Laura Comunian<br>'''17:00''' Psycholinguistic Approaches to Ritual Labia Minora Elongation Among the Baganda Women of Uganda – Franco Viviani, Elisabetta Villa, and Pia Grassivaro Gallo; presented by Franco Viviani<br>'''17:20''' Deinfibulation in Italy – Lara Franco, Lisa Rivaroli, Elena DiMaro, Franco Viviani, and Pia Grassivaro Gallo; presented by Lara Franco<br>'''17:40''' Preliminary Research About the Psycho-Sexual Aspects of the Operation of Deinfibulation – Saulo Sirigatti, Lucrezia Catania, Sara Simone, Silvia Casale, and Abdulcadir Omar Hussen; presented by Lucrezia Catania<br>'''18:00''' Toward the Suppression of an Initiation Rite: Infibulation – Mariagrazia Scalise and Antonino Jaria; presented by Mariagrazia Scalise<br>'''18:20''' An Alternative Symbolic and Non-invasive Ritual to FGM – Abdulcadir Omar Hussen, and Lucrezia Catania; presented by Abdulcadir Omar Hussen<br>'''18:40''' Discussion<br>'''19:00''' Dinner on your own<br><br><center><big>Friday, 3 September</big></center><br> '''08:30''' Registration<br>'''09:00''' Because You Are A Girl– Joy Frempong<br>'''09:30''' Addressing FGM in Germany: The Work of the Women’s Rights Organization Terre de Femmes – Petra Schnuell, Gritt Richter, and Claudia Piccolantonio; presented by Petra Schnuell and Claudia Piccolantonio<br>'''09:50''' FGM in African Immigrants in Greece – Anna Iordanidou and Pia Grassivaro Gallo; presented by Anna Iordanidou<br>'''10:10''' Impressions of Genital Cutting in Turkey, Senegal, Mali, Burkina Faso and South Africa – Elizabeth Nobel and Leo Sorger <br>'''10:30''' Discussion<br>'''10:45''' Break<br>'''11:00''' Male Circumcision in Italy – Franco Viviani, Gianluca Costardi, and Pia Grassivaro Gallo; presented by Franco Viviani<br>'''11:20''' One Death Too Many: Social Services Must Protect Children at Risk from Genital Mutilation in Ireland – Linda Massie<br>'''11:40''' Ending Circumcision by Telling Our Individual Stories – Patricia Robinett<br>'''12:00''' Discussion<br>'''12:30''' Lunch on Your Own<br>'''14:00''' Isms and Schisms: Political Correctness and the Search for a Unifying Paradigm for Abolishing Circumcision in the United States – Georganne Chapin<br>'''14:20'''Violating the U.S. Constitution– George C. Denniston<br>'''14:40''' Government Subsidation Through Medicaid (USA) of Medically Unnecessary, Non-therapeutic Circumcision – Amber Craig, Dan Bollinger, and J. Steven Svoboda; presented by Amber Craig<br>'''15:00''' Activism and the Movement for Genuine Gender Equality – J. Steven Svoboda<br>'''15:20''' Discussion<br>'''15:45''' Break<br>'''16:00''' Informed Consent Obstacles to Presentation of Claim to a Jury – Zenas Baer<br>'''16:20''' Strategies for Litigation– David J. Llewellyn<br>'''16:40''' A Step Toward Prohibition: State Regulation of Infant Genital Surgeries– John V. Geisheker<br>'''17:00''' Protecting Human Rights from the Trenches of the Courtroom– Charles A. Bonner<br>'''17:20''' Legal Panel and Discussion – Zenas Baer, Charles A. Bonner, Georganne Chapin, John V. Geisheker, David J. Llewellyn, and J. Steven Svoboda; moderated by Peter J. Ball<br>'''19:00''' Dinner on your own<br>   

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