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Eighth International Symposium

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* '''Charles A. Bonner''', JD, civil rights, personal injury, and medical malpractice attorney. Sausalito, CA, USA.
* '''Lucrezia Catania''', gynecologist, Research Centre for Preventing and Curing Female Genital Mutilation and its Complications. Department of Gynaecology and Obstretrics, University of Florence, Italy.
* '''[[Georganne Chapin]]''', JD, President and Chief Executive Officer, Hudson Health Plan. Tarrytown, NY, USA.
* '''Anna Laura Comunian''', Professor, Theories and Techniques of Personality Testing and Group Dynamic Theory and Techniques, Department of Psychology, University of Padua; Fellow, American Psychology Association (Division 52); Coordinator of the Laboratory of International and Cross-Cultural Psychology for the personality test adaptation. Padua, Italy.
* '''[[Amber Craig]]''', MS, director, NOCIRC of North Carolina and coordinator, Medicaid Project. Chapel Hill, NC, USA.
* '''[[George C. Denniston]]''', MD, MPH, founder and director, Doctors Opposing Circumcision (D.O.C.) and author. Norland, WA, USA.
* '''Lara Franco''', graduated in Psychology, Working Group on FGM, University of Padua. Padua, Italy
* '''Nansi Glick''', MA, is an academic bookseller in New Salem, MA, USA.
*'''Pia Grassivaro Gallo''', PhD, Associate Professor of Anthropology, Faculty of Psychology, University of Padua, teaches Applied Biology, Human Genetics, and Genetic Anthropology. Since 1988, she has organized Padua’s Working Group on FGM, dealing with Africans and African immigrants in Italy. Padua, Italy.
* '''[[R. Wayne Griffiths]]''', MS, MEd, sociologist and educator, co-founder of NORM (National Organization of Restoring Men. Concord, CA, USA.* '''[[Frederick M. Hodges| Frederick Mansfield Hodges]]''', D Phil (Oxon), medical historian and author. Berkeley, CA, USA.
* '''Yngve Hofvander''', MD, pediatrician, Professor, International Child Health, Uppsala University, Sweden, consultant to the Swedish International Development Authority, World Health Organization, and UNICEF. Uppsala, Sweden
* '''Abdulcadir Omar Hussen''', gynecologist, Research Centre for Preventing and Curing Female Genital Mutilation and its Complications. Department of Gynaecology and Obstretrics, University of Florence. Florence, Italy.
* '''Linda Massie''', BSc, PG/Dip, founder and director, NOCIRC of Northern Ireland. Glengormley, County Antrim, Northern Ireland
* '''[[Marilyn Milos |Marilyn Fayre Milos]]''', RN, director, National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers (NOCIRC), Coordinator, International Symposia on Genital Integrity. San Anselmo, CA, USA.
* '''[[Elizabeth Noble]]''', PT, founder of the Women’s Health Section of the American Physical Therapy Association who always discusses circumcision in the seminars she gives worldwide. Harwich, MA, USA.
*'''Michel Odent''', MD founder and director, Primal Health Research Centre, author, London, UK
* '''Claudia Piccolantonio''', student in medicine at Johann-Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt (Main) and of psychology at the University of Padua is now working with Terre de Femmes. Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

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