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Eleventh International Symposium

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== Proceedings ==
===Thursday, July 29===
* Registration* Looking Back and Looking Forward<br>::''Dean Edell'' and ''Marilyn Milos'', with ''Georganne Chapin''* Circumcision and More<br>::''Clare Puskarczyk''* Surgeries in Search of Disorders: Intersex and Circumcision in American History<br>::''Elizabeth Reis''* Break* Intersex Genital Autonomy: What and Why<br>::''Paul Mason''* The Harmfulness of Circumcision<br>::''George C. Denniston''* The Evolution of Circumcision Methods ‑ Not “Just a Snip”<br>::''Hugh Young''* Lunch* Dangerous Myths and Tragic Misconceptions: The Orthodox View of AIDS in Africa<br>::''Charles Geshekter''* Stopping AIDS in Africa<br>: ''David Gisselquist''* Blogging Male Circumcision and HIV: Addressing the Establishment with Social Media<br>::''David Wilton''* Break* So They Claim to Know the Answer: The Problem of Association Taken as Causality<br>::Ken McGrath* Ten Years of Training: My Experiences as Residency Faculty<br>::''Michelle Storms''* Video Intactivism<br>::''James Loewen''* Dinner on your own* Brainstorming Session for Health Professionals<br>::''Gillian Longley'', ''Dolores Sanguiliano'', and ''Michelle R. Storms''
===Friday, July 30===
* Registration* Tortured Doctrines, Tortured Bodies: How Legal Fictions Help Justify and Perpetuate Circumcision and Other Inhumane Practices<br>::''J. Steven Svoboda''* Regulating Male Circumcision in Finland<br>::''Heli Askola''* Medical Provider’s Duty of Care to a One‑Day Old Infant<br>::''Zenas Baer''* The Children We Injure: The Human Rights of Children vs the Parents’ Free Exercise of Belief<br>::''John V. Geisheker''* Break* Circumcision as an Example of Normative Abuse<br>::''John W. Travis''* Human Thanatophilia: The Psycho‑Cultural Processes Behind Genital Mutilations of Children and Adolescents<br>::''Moisés Tractenberg''* Male Circumcision and the Potential for Unexplained Male Adolescent Suicide in Northern Ireland<br>::''Linda Massie''* Lunch* The Circumcision Lobby<br>::''David J. Llewellyn''* How Not to Get Published: The Top Ten Pro‑Circumcision Journals<br>::''Robert S. Van Howe''* Circumcision: Gender and Power<br>::''Miriam Pollack''* Defying the Enlightenment: Jewish Ethnicity and Ethnic Circumcision<br>::''Leonard B. Glick''* Break* Policy Discussion: Presenting Our Position to Jewish Americans<br>::''Leonard B. Glick'' and ''Mark D. Reiss''* Banquet, Standing Up for the Rights of Children<br>
: ''[[Soraya Miré]]'', and Entertainment by ''Karl Anthony''
===Saturday, July 31===
* Registration* Ka‑Priests and the Mastaba of Ankhmahor: Setting the Record Straight about Ancient Egyptian Phallic Rituals<br>::''Frederick M. Hodges''* NOCIRC of Arabia: A Pilot Version in Arabic<br>::''Hatem Kamal Saied''* Reclaiming Circumcision: Armenian Stories<br>::''Astrik Vardanyan''* The Quest for Blankness: Project MK‑ULTRA and the CIA’s Circumcision Research<br> ::''Frederick M. Hodges''* Break* Genital Stretching Among the Venda Ethnic Group in South Africa<br>::''Erika Dionisio'', ''Pia Grassivaro Gallo'', ''Franco Viviani''* Women from Timan Adde (Merka‑Somalia) Pray to Allah in Order to be Freed from Pharaonic Circumcision/Infibulation<br::''Pia Grassivaro Gallo' and Prof. ''Maria Chiara Turrini''* Possession Ritual and Somalian Pharaonic Circumcision Culture<br>:: ''Steffania Gazzea'', ''Pia Grassivaro Gallo'', ''Antonio Iaria''* Lunch* Female Genital Mutilation and the Amelioration of Complex Trauma through Relational Attunement<br>::''Patricia D. Raya''* Male Circumcision Among the Venda of Limpopo (South Africa)<br>::''Erika Dionisio'' and ''Franco Viviani''* Penile Wounding: The Spectrum of Complications of Routine Male Circumcision as Seen in a Typical American Family Medical Practice<br>::''Christopher Fletcher''* Full‑time vs Part‑time Foreskin Restoration<br>::''Ron Low''* Break* Healing the Harms of Circumcision: A Case Study<br>::''B. Maurene White''* Status Report from Intact America<br>::''Georganne Chapin''* Genital Autonomy: A New Approach<br>::''David Smith''* Closing<br>
The proceedings are published in ''[ Genital Cutting: Protecting Children from Medical, Cultural, and Religious Infringements]'', edited by George C. Denniston, Frederick M. Hodges, and Marilyn Fayre Milos, Springer, 2013.
The Symposium was sponsored by the [[NOCIRC| National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers]] and [[Intact America]].
* [ Brochure of the Eleventh International Symposium]
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