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==Nordic position==
In 2013, children's ombudsmen from [[Sweden]], [[Norway]], Finland, [[Denmark]], and Iceland, along with the Chair of the Danish Children's Council and the children's spokesperson for Greenland, passed a resolution that emphasized the decision to be [[circumcised ]] should belong to the individual, who should be able to give [[informed consent]].<ref name="resolution2">{{REFweb
|last=Nordic Association of Children's Ombudsmen
|title=Let the boys decide for themselves
In a ruling issued in 1999 the Deputy Parliamentary Ombudsman Riitta-Leena Paunio said that Finnish public health institutions are not obliged to perform male circumcisions for non-medical reasons.
Four boys in Finland were hospitalized after being [[circumcised ]] by a visiting Muslim doctor. One of the boys had gangrene in his [[penis]], but it apparently was successfully treated in hospital. An African-born doctor visiting Kuopio last week performed the operation on seven Muslim boys. The youngest was just three months old, and the oldest were about ten.<ref>{{REFnews
|title=Botched circumcisions send four boys to hospital in Kuopio
The [ Ministry of Social Affairs and Health] and the Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities sent a letter to Finnish university hospitals in 2003 to urge them to perform non-medical circumcisions, however some doctors have refused to perform the operation, saying that it violates the [[physical integrity ]] of the child.<ref>{{REFnews
|title=Finnish hospitals urged to perform circumcisions
The [ Central Union for Child Welfare] in Finland issued a position statement on male [[circumcision ]] in 2003. The statement said "circumcision of boys that violates the personal integrity of the boys is not acceptable unless it is done for medical reasons to treat an illness."<ref>{{REFdocument
|title=Position Statement on the Circumcision of Boys
A Muslim mother had been charged with assault after she had her four-year-old son [[circumcised]]. The trial court ruled that the [[circumcision ]] of the boy was illegal.<ref>{{REFnews
|title=Court rules circumcision of four-year-old boy illegal
The [ Green League] voted in 2012 to seek the phase-out of non-medical male [[circumcision ]] of boys by law.<ref>{{REFnews
|title=NEWS ANALYSIS: Finland lacks policy on religiously-mandated male circumcision
The [ Finns Party] (''Perussuomalaiset'', or PS), formerly known as the True Finns, Finland's third largest political party, proposed banning non-medical [[Brit Milah| ritual circumcision ]] in October 2012.<ref>{{REFnews
|title=Finnish party plans new bill to ban circumcision
|url= (2019) reported non-medical circumcisions of boys are lawful in Finland, subject to the following conditions:
* Non-medical [[circumcision ]] is not covered by health care or performed in hospitals or health centres.* [[Circumcision ]] must be performed by a medical doctor.* The doctor must perform the circumcision in a clean and sterile environment to prevent [[infection]].* Pain-killers must be used to prevent [[pain]].
* The attending physician must provide information about after-care.
* The guardians of the boy must provide written [[informed consent]]. If there are two guardians, both must sign.
* The boy must also provide his consent if he is of age to do so.
* The guardians must pay for the cost of the [[circumcision]].
* The immigration department estimates that about 400 non-medical circumcisions are performed each year.<ref name="foreigner2019">{{REFweb
The [ Parliament of Finland] acted on 6 November 2020 to amend the criminal code to more clearly ban [[female genital mutilation ]] (FGM). In addition, the [ Committee on Legal Affairs] stated with regard to [[MGM| male genital mutilation ]] (circumcision) of boys:
However, in its report, the committee also addressed the non-medical [[circumcision]] of boys.
According to it, non-medical [[circumcision ]] of boys basically satisfies the characteristics of assault.
- However, there is no legislation on the conditions under which non-medical circumcision of boys is allowed and no government proposal has been submitted to Parliament.
In Finland, therefore, there is no specific legal justification for non-medical [[circumcision ]] of boys, the committee states in its report.
The Committee on Legal Affairs therefore considered that non-medical [[circumcision ]] of boys also involves regulatory needs that need to be further explored and assessed.
The parliamentary vote dealt with two objections to the non-medical circumcision of boys, which had been made by Christian MP Antero Laukkaunen, supported by Sari Tanus (kd), and MP Sebastian Tynkkynen (ps), supported by Mari Rantanen (ps).
Antero Laukkanen, MP, on the other hand, demanded that the paragraphs and sentences on non-medical [[circumcision ]] of boys be deleted and that Parliament approve the committee's report as far as the ban on female and [[female genital mutilation ]] is concerned.<ref name="teller2020" />
The percentage of males [[circumcised]] in Finland (prevalence) is reported to be 0.8%.<ref>{{REFweb
|title=Global Circumcision Statistics and Estimates
This video considers the position not medically indicated religious circumcision in Finland.
An overview of policy and legislative developments 2008-2022
* [[Sexpo Foundation]]
* [[Intact Finland]]
* [[Intakt Norden]]
* [[Johan Nyman]]
* {{REFnews
|title=Defending the rights of children – why it is not a no-brainer for everyone?
[[Category:Male circumcision]]

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