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Foreigner.fi (2019) reported non-medical circumcisions of boys are lawful in Finland, subject to the following conditions:
* Non-medical [[circumcision ]] is not covered by health care or performed in hospitals or health centres.* [[Circumcision ]] must be performed by a medical doctor.* The doctor must perform the circumcision in a clean and sterile environment to prevent [[infection]].* Pain-killers must be used to prevent [[pain]].
* The attending physician must provide information about after-care.
* The guardians of the boy must provide written [[informed consent]]. If there are two guardians, both must sign.
* The boy must also provide his consent if he is of age to do so.
* The guardians must pay for the cost of the [[circumcision]].
* The immigration department estimates that about 400 non-medical circumcisions are performed each year.<ref name="foreigner2019">{{REFweb
The [https://www.eduskunta.fi/EN/Pages/default.aspx Parliament of Finland] acted on 6 November 2020 to amend the criminal code to more clearly ban [[female genital mutilation ]] (FGM). In addition, the [https://www.eduskunta.fi/EN/valiokunnat/lakivaliokunta/Pages/default.aspx Committee on Legal Affairs] stated with regard to [[MGM| male genital mutilation ]] (circumcision) of boys:
However, in its report, the committee also addressed the non-medical [[circumcision]] of boys.
According to it, non-medical [[circumcision ]] of boys basically satisfies the characteristics of assault.
- However, there is no legislation on the conditions under which non-medical circumcision of boys is allowed and no government proposal has been submitted to Parliament.
In Finland, therefore, there is no specific legal justification for non-medical [[circumcision ]] of boys, the committee states in its report.
The Committee on Legal Affairs therefore considered that non-medical [[circumcision ]] of boys also involves regulatory needs that need to be further explored and assessed.
The parliamentary vote dealt with two objections to the non-medical circumcision of boys, which had been made by Christian MP Antero Laukkaunen, supported by Sari Tanus (kd), and MP Sebastian Tynkkynen (ps), supported by Mari Rantanen (ps).
Antero Laukkanen, MP, on the other hand, demanded that the paragraphs and sentences on non-medical [[circumcision ]] of boys be deleted and that Parliament approve the committee's report as far as the ban on female and [[female genital mutilation ]] is concerned.<ref name="teller2020" />
This video considers the position not medically indicated religious circumcision in Finland.