Gudrun Meyer

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Gudrun Meyer is a sex educator and consultant at pro familia in Bonn, Germany.

In 2020 she spoke in a video message on WWDOGA:

7 May 2020 - pro familia demands genital autonomy. Medically unnecessary, sex-changing operations on children violate the human right to sexual and reproductive self-determination.

An intervention on the genitals of girls, the removal of the foreskin of boys or surgical, gender-matched measures on intersex children born without prior medical indication can have serious physical consequences. This clearly violates the child's right to physical integrity.

Those affected may experience lifelong sexual and fertility restrictions. Genital integrity is a human right! From the beginning!
Gudrun Meyer (WWDOGA 2020)[1]


  1. REFweb WWDOGA 2020 - Gudrun Meyer, YouTube, MOGiS e.V.. Retrieved 14 May 2020.