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Informed consent

1,812 bytes added, 14:41, 25 January 2022
Informed consent for non-therapeutic circumcision of minor boys: Add text and citation.
Wasserman et al. (2019) recognized children as persons entitled to respect.
Respect is something we owe to others to demonstrate that we recognize them as persons rather than objects. Patients (including children) are persons even if they do not reason well, particularly if have a kind of agency that is capable of expressing preferences. Once way to respect persons is to acknowledge that their preferences matter, something that may require soliciting those preferences, even in cases in which it would be ethically wrong to give them what they prefer. This is because it is disrespectful, and perhaps even dehumanizing to treat preference-expressing patients as mere bystanders or obstacles to their own care.<ref name="wasserman2019">{{REFjournal
|first=Jason Adam
|first2=Mark Christopher
|first3=Christian John
|title=Pediatric assent and treating children over objection
Although this may be an advance, Wasserman et al., speaking for the [[AAP]], still do not recognize the [[human rights]] of children.
==Information for parents regarding non-therapeutic circumcision of infant boys.==

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