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'''''' was an organisation founded by the late [[Amen Ronald Oberhollenzer-Paternoster]] * in 1964. They advocate that the law should be enforced on any form of forced human [[circumcision]]. One of their basic concepts is the idea that all kinds of forced [[genital mutilation]] is already outlawed by existing laws and therefore every approach to parents who 'cut' their children is counterproductive. According to existing laws, parents would have no right to mutilate the genitals of their children, for whatever reason.
Although criminal laws basically protect people from physical injury and mutilations in almost all countries, there is e.g. the so-called [[German Circumcision Act|Circumcision Act]] in Germany since 2012 which allows medically unjustified genital mutilation on underage boys. Although this law has since been sharply criticized by many legal experts, physicians and [[intactivists]] for being unconstitutional, it is currently challenging the axiom of ''''.
In late 2018, the official website has been closed after [[Amen Ronald Oberhollenzer-Paternoster]] died in 2017.
* ''Paternoster'' means the Lord's Prayer.

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