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== PEPFAR's African Safaris ==
From a entry by Jeffrey S. Crowley, {{MPH}}, Director, Office of National [[AIDS ]] Policy dated 26 May 2011:<ref>{{REFweb
The United States Ambassador to Swaziland, the Honorable Earl Irving, was an incredible host. I attended a large reception at the Ambassador’s residence with the Honorable Minister of Health, Benedict Xaba and other Swazi leaders working on [[HIV]], as well as representatives from PEPFAR, Peace Corps, CDC, USAID, DoD, and private American institutions, including Columbia University’s International Center for [[AIDS ]] Care and Treatment Programs (ICAP) project. Another evening, the Ambassador hosted a dinner with leaders from the Swazi Cabinet, the Ministry of Health and the national [[AIDS ]] commission. I participated in a handover ceremony where the Ambassador ceremoniously transferred nine vehicles from PEPFAR to the government of Swaziland that will support their [[HIV]] work in the field. Through this event I also had the opportunity to meet His Excellency the Right Honorable Prime Minister of Swaziland.
A major focus of PEPFAR’s work is to assist the Swazi government’s plan to scale up adult male circumcision. This lowers the risk that men will acquire [[HIV]] infection and research models indicate that if the country can get up to 80% of its adult men circumcised, they could observe a substantial decline in [[HIV]] transmission. I visited one of several mobile sites that enabled Swaziland and PEPFAR to quickly expand access to circumcision.
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