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[[Image:Plastibell.jpg|right|thumb|A circumcision device that uses string to cut off blood flow to the foreskin, amputating it ]]
The Plastibell Circumcision Device is a clear plastic ring with a deep groove running circumferentially designed for circumcising infant males. It was invented by Hollister Inc in 1950, and first reported on in 1953.<ref name=Miller1953>{{cite journalREFjournal |authorlast=Miller | first=RL | coauthors=Snyder DC | pubyear=1953, SnyderJanuary | title = Immediate circumcision of the newborn male | journal = Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. | volume = 65 | issue = 1 | pages = 1–111-11 | year url= | quote= 1953 | month accessdate= January
| pmid = 13016660
| last2 = Snyder | first2 = DC}}</ref><ref name=Kariher1956>{{cite journalREFjournal |author last= Kariher | first=DH, | coauthors=Smith TW | pubyear=1956, January |title = Immediate circumcision of the newborn |journal = Obstet Gynecol |volume = 7 |issue = 1 |pages = 50–350-3 | url= |year quote= 1956 |month accessdate= January |pmid = 13280246}}</ref> The device works bo providing a circumferencial surface upon which to tie off the foreskin.
The ring must fall off before final healing can occur. Rarely, the tip of the glans may protrude through the ring and become swollen, trapping the ring in place. Blood transfusion risk 1 in 30,000 procedures (Wiswell).
One study of 2000 Plastibell circumcisions found a complication rate of 1.8%.<ref>Izzidien Al-Samarrai A.Y., Mofti A. Crankson S. J The Use of Plastibell in Neonatal Circumcision. Review of 2000 cases. Surg. Gyne & Obst.167: 341-343, 1988<!--{{vs|couldn't find|date=November 2012}}--></ref>
The foreskin must be slit and forced from the glans to allow entry for the plastic dome.
Furthermore, because convalescence depends on a (temporarily) affixed medical device, risks of infection or hemorrhage due to the bell slipping or otherwise failing are greater<ref>{{cite newsREFnews | first last= MarkBrennae | last first= BrennaeMark | title coauthors= Ontario boy dies after complications from circumcision | url = | work title= The Vancouver SunOntario boy dies after complications from circumcision | date=June 13, 2007 | publisher = The Vancouver Sun: CanWest News Service | date quote= June 13, 2007 | accessdate = 2008-07-16
}}</ref> than a [[Gomco clamp]] or similar entirely-supervised circumcision.
There are several reports in the literature of urinary retention after circumcision with the Plastibell device.<ref>{{cite journal |pmid=12900483 |year=2003 |last1=Ly |first1=L |last2=Sankaran |first2=K |title=Acute venous stasis and swelling of the lower abdomen and extremities in an infant after circumcision |volume=169 |issue=3 |pages=216–7 |pmc=167126 |journal=CMAJ}}</ref> Death has been reported.<ref>[ Paediatrics & Child Health, Home<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref><ref>{{full|date=November 2012}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal |pmid=19030377 |year=2007 |author1=Paediatric Death Review Committee: Office of the Chief Coroner of Ontario |title=Circumcision: A minor procedure? |volume=12 |issue=4 |pages=311–2 |pmc=2528673 |journal=Paediatrics & child health}}</ref>
There also is a report are several reports in the literature of impetigo caused by Staphylococcus aureus when using urinary retention after circumcision with the Plastibelldevice.<ref>{{cite REFjournal | last=Ly | first=L | coauthors=Sankaran K | pubyear=2003 | title=Acute venous stasis and swelling of the lower abdomen and extremities in an infant after circumcision | journal =CMAJ |pmidvolume=3763425 169 |yearissue=1986 3 |last1pages=Stranko 216-7 |first1url=J |last2quote=Ryan |first2accessdate=ME |last3pmid=Bowman 12900483}}</ref> Death has been reported.<ref>[ Paediatrics & Child Health, Home<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref><ref></ref><ref>{{REFjournal | last=Paediatric Death Review Committee: Office of the Chief Coroner of Ontario | first= | coauthors= |first3pubyear=AM 2007 |title=Impetigo in newborn infants associated with a plastic bell clamp circumcision Circumcision: A minor procedure? | journal=Paediatrics & child health |volume=5 12 |issue=5 4 |pages=597–9 311-2 |journalurl= | quote= | accessdate= | pmid=19030377 | pmc=Pediatric infectious disease2528673}}</ref>
There have been multiple cases also is a report of children developing necrotizing fasciitis in their penis after being circumcised impetigo caused by Staphylococcus aureus when using the Plastibell device.<ref name=pubmed9329429>{{cite journal |doi=10.1016/S0022-3476(97)80078-9 REFjournal |titlelast=Necrotizing fasciitis after Plastibell circumcision Stranko |yearfirst=1997 j |last1coauthors=Bliss ME Ryan, AM Bowman |first1pubyear=David P. 1986 |last2title=Healey |first2=Patrick J. |last3=Waldhausen |first3=John H.T. Impetigo in newborn infants associated with a plastic bell clamp circumcision |journal=The Journal of Pediatrics Pediatric infectious disease |volume=131 5 |issue=3 5 |pages=459–62 597-9 |pmidurl=9329429}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal |pmidquote=6444778 |yearaccessdate=1980 |last1=Woodside |first1=JR |title=Necrotizing fasciitis after neonatal circumcision |volume=134 |issuepmid=3 |pages=301–2 |journal=American journal of diseases of children3763425}}</ref>
There have been multiple cases of necrosis of the glans children developing necrotizing fasciitis in their penis following circumcision with after being circumcised using the Plastibell device.<refname=pubmed9329429>{{cite REFjournal | last=Bliss | first=David P. | coauthors=Patrick J. Healey, John H.T. Waldhausen | pubyear=1997 | title=Necrotizing fasciitis after Plastibell circumcision | journal =The Journal of Pediatrics | volume=131 | issue=3 | pages=459-62 | url= | quote= | accessdate= |doi=10.1016/j.jpurol.2009.05.011 S0022-3476(97)80078-9 | pmid=9329429}}</ref><ref>{{REFjournal | last=Woodside | first=JR | coauthors= | pubyear=1980 |title=Penile injuries from proximal migration Necrotizing fasciitis after neonatal circumcision | journal=American journal of diseases of children | volume=134 | issue=3 | pages=301-2 | url= | quote= | accessdate= | pmid=6444778}}</ref> There have been cases of necrosis of the glans penis following circumcision with the Plastibell circumcision ring device.<ref>{{REFjournal |year=2010 |last1last=Bode |first1first=C.O. |last2coauthors=S. Ikhisemojie |first2=S, A.O. Ademuyiwa |last3pubyear=Ademuyiwa 2010 |first3title=A.O. Penile injuries from proximal migration of the Plastibell circumcision ring |journal=Journal of Pediatric Urology |volume=6 | issue=1 |pages=23–7 23-7 | url= | quote= | accessdate= | doi=10.1016/j.jpurol.2009.05.011 |pmid=19570722 |issue=1}}</ref>
== "Non cutting"? ==
== External Links =={{LINKS}}* [ The Dangers of PlastiBell Circumcisions - Graphic]
==<small>References</small>==<div class='references-small'><references/></div>{{REF}}
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