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201 bytes removed, 7 February
Christianity: Remove erroneous text.
Circumcision is expressly forbidden to gentiles. Whereas Jews adhere to 613 laws and commandments, called "mitzvots" in Hebrew, Christians are supposed to be saved by the blood and grace of Christ, hence the name ''"Christ-ian." '' At various points in the New Testament<ref>The Holy Bible</ref>, Christians are told to either follow the law, or be saved by the grace of Christ alone.
:''"Behold, I, Paul, tell you that if you be circumcised, Christ will be of no advantage to you." – Gal 5:2''
The Christian Bible contains two sections. The first section, called the ''Old Testament'' was originally written in Hebrew. It was the Jewish Bible and contains passages that may favor [[Brit Milah| circumcision]]. This requirement has been abolished for Christians by the New Testament. The second section, called the "New Testament", is the Christian addition to the Holy Bible. It contains the correct information for Christians. Some new or ill-informed Christians may be confused by the differences in the two sections.
Circumcision is erroneously believed to be a good The second section, called the "Christian valueNew Testament" by Christians in different parts of the world, including is the [[United States]]{{citation needed}], South Korea{{citation needed}} and Christian addition to the Holy Bible. [[TuliCouncil at Jerusalem| PhilippinesIt contains the correct information for Christians]]{{citation needed}}. Some new or ill-informed Christians may be confused by the differences in the two sections.
=== Islam ===

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