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Ridged band

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| accessdate=28 September 2019
}} </ref>
Taylor (2007) commented:
The range of functions of the ridged band remains uncertain but it is deeply corrugated, rich in distortion-sensitive Meissner corpuscles and subject to the movement of muscularised shaft skin during sexual intercourse. It now seems that the concertina-like ridged band might be reflexogenic as much as fine-touch sensitive. Initial study (J.R.T. unpublished) indicates that the real importance of the ridged band to sexual intercourse lies in an ability to trigger a reflex contraction of muscles responsible for ejaculation.<ref name="taylor2007">{{REFjournal
| last=Taylor
| first=John
| coauthors=
| title=Fine touch pressure thresholds in the adult penis
| journal=BJU Int
| date=2007
| volume=100
| issue=1
| pages=218
| url=
| quote=
| pubmedID=17552969
| pubmedCID=
| DOI=
| accessdate=28 September 2019

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