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Sixth International Symposium

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* '''Seham Abd el Salam Muhammed,''' {{MD}}, research fellow, Department of Sociology-Anthropology, the American University in Cairo, member of the Egyptian FGM Task Force, founder of Resource Center of FGM Cairo, Egypt.
* '''John Aldous''', co-founder E.B.-N.O.R.M. (Everyman’s Birthright - National Organization of Restoring Men). Everard Park, South Australia.
* '''[[Zenas Baer]]''', {{JD}}, attorney concentrating on Federal Civil Rights Litigation. Hawley, Minnesota, USA.
* '''[[Jeannine Parvati Baker]]''', MS, co-founder, Six Directions non-profit educational organisation, author and lecturer. Joseph, Utah, USA.
* '''Peter Ball''', MA, MB, B.Chir., retired family practitioner, producer and director, non-surgical foreskin restoration video. Turnbridge Wells, Kent, UK.
* '''Gillian A. Bensley''' conducted research study for Bachelor of Social Science (Honours) degree in Psychology. Bond University, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.
* '''[[Dan Bollinger| Daniel H. Bollinger]], III''', BA, founder and Director, Wabash Men’s Council,Indiana, USA.
* '''[[Charles A. Bonner]]''', {{JD}}, civil rights, personal injury, and medical malpractice attorney. Sausalito, California, USA.
* '''[[Gregory J. Boyle]]''', {{PhD}}, Professor of Psychology, Bond University. Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.
* '''[[Mary Conant]]''', {{RN}}, conscientious objector to circumcision, co-founder, Nurses for the Rights of the Child. Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA.
* '''William Sides''', Managing Director of Sides Engineering, developed the “Pill Tube” foreskin restoration method. Wheelers Hill, Victoria, Australia.
* '''[[Morris L. Sorrells]]''', {{MD}}, retired paediatrician, consultant. Atherton, California, USA.
* '''[[J. Steven Svoboda]]''', {{JD}}, founder and Director, Attorneys for the Rights of the Child (ARC), Berkeley, California, USA.
* '''Moisés Tractenberg''', {{MD}}, psychoanalyst, author, Director, NOCIRC of Brazil. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
* '''[[John W. Travis]]''', {{MD}}, {{MPH}}, founder and co-director, Wellness Associates, author, Wellness Inventory and the Wellness Workbook, co-founder, International Coalition for Genital Integrity, co-founder, Alliance for Transforming the Lives of Children. East Gipsland, Victoria, Australia.
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