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Statement on foreskin circumcision

111 bytes added, 18:31, 25 December 2023
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''(Published on August 15, 2014)''
We, the undersigned, have been 'cut'. There are manifold reasons for this. For some, religious or cultural ritual motifs played a role, while others had so-called 'medical' reasons. Some of us face every day with a body that was mutilated after their feeling. They had to accept the fact that their [[Sexual effects of circumcision| sexual experience ]] is severely limited in part. They face the fact that they must live with modified sex organs without insightful reasons, with aching in part and scars perceived as disfiguring. But also they among us who feel the intervention not as so disfiguring, had faced their physical and sexual development with significant disadvantages, complexes and problems, which they sought to compensate for them in various ways.
What unites us is that we do not feel our [[circumcision]] as harmless or beneficial intervention, but as a physical change that we could not choose, that is felt by us — in varying intensity — as harmful, and that has created problems for us in many ways.
Historically, the removal of the [[foreskin]] was very well accompanied for a long time with the intention to take away something from someone, namely the sexual sensitivity, which is without doubt comprehensible in the relevant literature dating back centuries. We also believe that those are clearly too easy there, if they hold [[FGM| genital mutilation of girls]] and boys '[[circumcision]]' for incomparable. It is commonly understood that [[FGM|circumcision of the female genitals]] always is done in its most serious form, the so-called 'pharaonic' circumcision. However, this undifferentiated approach does not meet the complexity of the issue. The [[WHO]] has classified [[FGM]] into four classes, where Type A also includes the mere scratching of the Prepuce of the [[clitoris]] or removing it. ALL forms of [[FGM|circumcision of the female genitals]], including those who are demonstrably less or at least as invasive as the removal of the highly sensitive [[penis]] [[foreskin]], are rightly outlawed worldwide and also prohibited by law in many countries.
The so-called "[[circumcision]]" of boys, however, will continue as necessary and deserving part of the free exercise of religion, as cultural tradition or because medical myths all over the world tolerate and dismiss it as harmless. We defend ourselves against this scandalous inequality, even if some apparently or actually satisfied, [[circumcised ]] man is uncomfortable with our protests. The fact that also the [[MGM|mutilation of male genitals]] may be classified into different degrees of severity, is also like being ignored. So the operational possibilities range from the completely prepuce-sparing dorsal cut to the extremely debilitating radical [[circumcision]] [[Circumcision#Low_.26_Tight|"Low&Tight"]], in which not only the important 'grooved band' and the complete inner [[foreskin]], but also the highly sensitive frenulum be removed entirely. To trivialize all the different [[Circumcision#First.2C_a_look_on_the_common_styles:|styles and circumcision species]] of as [[circumcision]] for simplicity, we consider simply naive.
[[Circumcision]]s of the genitals — except those medically strictly indicated — are neither 'natural' for boys nor for girls, why they represent bodily injuries in both cases, regardless of their (in turn always individually and therefore subjectively) perceived or defined severity.
== Explanation ==
"Mutilation" describes the detrimental, radical change of the body by external influences. The term may denote both the process and the outcome. Mutilation may be associated with loss of function or key components. The separation of a part of a body is called '[[amputation]]' (lat. amputare: 'cut off all around'). A 'part of a body' refers to a recognizable morphologically functional unit of the body segment.
* [[German collective guilt]]
[[Category:Human rights]]
[[de:Stellungnahme zur Vorhautbeschneidung]]

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