Aaron Goldstein

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Aaron Abbott (Abbot?) Goldstein (5 September 1899 in Utica, NY – 1945) was an inventor and producer.

Curriculum vitae

Goldstein was born to a family that emigrated from Lithuania in the 1880s.[1]

In 1934, Aaron Goldstein and Hiram S. Yellen invented and mass marketed the Gomco clamp which makes it easier for doctors to cut off even more skin than in traditional circumcisions. Yellen invented it on the basis of his experience of using a Ford motor tyre lever.[2]


See also

External links



  1. REFjournal Wan J. GOMCO circumcision clamp, an enduring and unexpected success. Names in genitourinary surgery. 1 May 2002; 59(5): 790-4. DOI. Retrieved 30 October 2021.
  2. [Template fetch failed for https://pool.intactiwiki.org/index.php/Template:POOLIconREFweb?action=raw: HTTP 0] Dr. Hiram S. Yellen, MD, GENi. Retrieved 30 October 2021.