Clearinghouse on Male Circumcision

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The Clearinghouse on Male Circumcision exists to expand global circumcision programs.[1] It is supported by a grant to the World Health Organization (WHO) from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.[2]

Partners that have initiated this effort are the WHO, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), the AIDS Vaccine Advocacy Coalition (AVAC), and Family Health International (FHI).[1] The website for the Clearinghouse on Male Circumcision is run by Family Health International.


The VMMC Experience Project has published a massive, illustrated 153-page report on VMMC in Africa for the United Nations.[3]


  1. a b [Template fetch failed for HTTP 0] Clearinghouse on Male Circumcision (2011). Family Health International: About Us. Retrieved 28 April 2011.
  2. [Template fetch failed for HTTP 0] Harrison, Heather. WHO: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Male Circumcision funding. Retrieved 28 April 2011.
  3. REFdocument Fish, Max: Circumcision Campaigns: African experience and human rights: The U.N. Report PDF, VMMC Experience Project. (7 May 2019). Retrieved 15 May 2021.