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Dr. '''Yves Homsy''' , {{MD }} - St. Petersburg and Tampa, {{USSC|FL}}
Dr. Yves Homsy specializes in urology and pediatric urology in St. Petersburg and Tampa, Florida. Dr. Homsy attended medical school at {{UNI|Cairo University Beni-Suef |CUEG}} Beni-Suef Faculty of Medicine and graduated in 1966 having 46 56 years experience.<ref>{{REFweb
== AAP presentation ==
At the 2012 [[AAP ]] National Conference & Exhibition in New Orleans, Dr. Yves Homsy presented conducted a workshop called "X4065 Pros & Cons of Doing Circumcisions". The session was described as follows: "This session aims to explain what one needs to do in order to set up a program to do neonatal [[Circumcision| circumcisions ]] and how one can become an expert circumciser."<ref>{{REFweb
=== Homsy lends support to circumcision opponents ===
According to Daniel Flanders, an attendee at the workshop described above, Yves Homsy told the audience that "[[Intactivists| Those who oppose circumcision ]] are conveying an important message and their voices should be heard."<ref>{{REFnews
|quote=Those who oppose circumcision are conveying an important message and their voices should be heard.
}}</ref> In a different tweet, Flanders posted: "My personal view: I thought he showed compassion for and acceptance of the [[intactivist ]] message."<ref>{{REFweb
|Title=Under The Knife
|Text="Yes, you can stretch [[shaft skin|skin on the penile shaft ]] -- but only asan as an adult, not as a child, but it's really time-consuming and you must really want it (a [[restored foreskin]]) to do it."
|Source=Toronto Star
On June 2005, a male child less than a month old was admitted to St. Joseph's Hospital in Tampa to undergo surgery to correct a severe left ureteroplevic junction obstruction. Dr. Homsy performed a left pyeloplasty (surgical reconstruction of the kidney pelvis). During the surgery, the Respondent attempted to place a left double-J internal ureteral stent into the ureter for post-operative drainage, but he was unable to place it due to the child's size and had to place an external draining system (Kidney Internal Stenting System). Days later the catheter was removed.
2 months later the parents believing that Dr. Homsy had been able to place the ureteral stent asked when he was going to remove it. Typical removal time is 6 weeks. Dr. Homsy mistakenly believing that he had been successful in placing the ureteral stent during the first operation, scheduled patient for removal of the stent. During surgery he found that he had not left a ureteral stent during the previous operation. As a result, this second surgery was unnecessary. Dr. Homsy admitted he had not remembered that he had been unsuccesful unsuccessful in placing the ureteral stent in the previous operation until he had been in the process of performing the cystoscopy.
Section 456.072(1)(aa) Florida Statutes (2005) provides that performing or attempting to perform health care services on the wrong patient, a wrong-site procedure, a wrong procedure or an authorized procedure or a procedure that is medically unnecessary or otherwise unrelated to the patient's diagnosis or medical condition constitutes grounds for discipline by the Board of Medicine.
}}</ref> Archive:<ref>Archive (2012-10-03): http://www.circleaks.org/index.php?title=File:Complain.pdf</ref>
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