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Fifteenth International Symposium

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* '''[[Peter W. Adler]]''' holds a BA degree in philosophy from Dartmouth College; a MA degree in philosophy from Cambridge University with Honours; and a JD from University of Virginia School of Law, where he was a senior editor of the ''Virginia Law Review''. He is a full-time Adjunct Professor of International Law and International Business at the University of Massachusetts. Wellesley, Massachusetts, USA. * '''[[Zenas Baer]]''' graduated from the University of Minnesota with a B.A. in German Literature and Political Science (1976). He graduated from Hamline University School of Law, St. Paul, Minnesota, in 1980. Since 1980, he has been in the private practice of law in Hawley, Minnesota. He is licensed to practice in the United States Supreme Court, United States Claims Court, United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, Eighth Circuit US Court of Appeals, Supreme Court of the State of Minnesota, Supreme Court of the State of North Dakota, US District Courts in Minnesota and North Dakota, and the White Earth Band of Chippewa Tribal Court. His practice is focused primarily on complex litigation and is known to take on unusual cases generally fighting for the underdog. Zenas has handled a number of circumcision cases and dealt extensively with the concept of informed consent as it relates to [[circumcision]]. Hawley, Minnesota, USA. * '''[[Dan Bollinger]]''' has been working on men’s rights issues since college. He facilitated a men’s weekend workshop for many years. Formerly the director of the International Coalition for Genital Integrity, for the past 21 years Dan has focused his efforts on [[Intactivism]] and, lately, exclusively with [[Intact America]]. He was a member of Intact America’s founding committee, and serves as its volunteer strategy advisor. Dan has authored many articles and essays on men’s rights, psychology, and strategy, all concerning Intactivism. His contributions to the cause include photography, website design, graphic design, speaking, scienti�c research, and making demonstration devices. He has contributed to many intactivist websites and created the [[Circumcision Decision-Maker]] website. Dan has an Industrial Design degree with a minor in psychology. He lives with his beloved wife Rebecca “On the Banks of the Wabash.” Lafayette, Indiana, USA. * '''Trish Causey''' shares intact men's experiences to show why keeping the [[foreskin]] intact is crucial to a man's health and happiness. She has learned from intact men their experiences of being whole in cutting cultures. As more and more boys are left intact, our cutting societies have yet to make being intact “socially acceptable” in our culture, media, and medical environments. As a sexual health advocate, Trish's [[intactivism]] is informed not only as a human rights activist and feminist, with a steadfast stance on body autonomy and self-determination, but also her personal experience of painful sex and an inability to orgasm with circumcised men. New York, New York, USA. * '''[[Georganne Chapin]]''' is founding executive director of [[Intact America]]. For 25 years, she served as President and CEO of Hudson Health Plan, an innovative nonprofit health plan for low-income New Yorkers. In 2005, she founded the Hudson Center for Health Equity & Quality, a health policy and technology organization that she still leads, and that helps to support Intact America through its 501(c)(3) status. Georganne has written and spoken widely about social justice, healthcare reform, and bioethical issues. She is frequently quoted in the press, and has been interviewed on television, radio, and the Web in the United States and abroad. She holds a BA in Anthropology from Barnard College, MA and MPhil degrees in Sociomedical Sciences from Columbia University, and a JD with certificates in Health and International Law from Pace University Law School. She has taught as an adjunct professor of law at Pace, and adjunct professor of bioethics to doctoral students at Dominican College School of Nursing. Woodstock, New York, USA. * '''[[George Denniston]]''', MD, MPH, left the east coast early in his career and headed west to Seattle, where he started six birth control clinics. Then, as Associate Medical Director of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America in New York, he persuaded the National Board to add abortion and sterilization to the services offered by 400 clinics in the US. Returning to Seattle, he ran a birth control clinic, and trained doctors worldwide using 16mm films. One day, George learned from [[Marilyn Milos]] of two cases of botched circumcisions. Looking into it, he began to realize the great harm inflicted by this practice, not only to innocent little boys, but to the medical profession as a whole. Gallup polls (1965-1995) showed a decline in trust of doctors by Americans from 95% to 27%! He realized that his activist lay colleagues knew far more about the foreskin than most doctors, and that they were being arrogantly dismissed. He founded [[Doctors Opposing Circumcision]] to fight fire with fire. He is thankful for and enjoys knowing all his fellow intactivists who see the world through clear eyes. Nordland, Washington, USA. * '''Michael Drash''' is an independent scholar who graduated from the University of Virginia in 2017 with a BA in Linguistics and Slavic Languages and Literatures. His research interests include research ethics and sexual ethics as well as phonology, linguistic nationalism, and language pedagogy. He is currently working outside of academia but his current research project is investigating the ethical limits of amputation and surgery in a research setting. Santa Monica, California. * '''Clive Elwood Dunn''' is a journalist and a graduate student in peace studies of the Kofi Annan Institute for Conflict Transformation in Liberia. He holds a BA degree in mass communications and political science from the University of Liberia's College of Social Sciences and Humanities, and a Masters of Ntalextuwl Studies degree with an emphasis in communications and public policy from the Blacology Research and Development Institute in Fort Washington, Maryland. In addition to having served as associate public information officer with the UN Mission in Liberia, Clive is a member of the Press Union of Liberia and has worked as an editor at various media outlets, including the state-run Liberia Broadcasting System, the Liberian Standard, New Liberian Standard, Poll Watch, and Varsity Pilot. He is a devoted Christian and married with two daughters. Monrovia, Liberia, Africa.   

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