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Add link to University of Passau; Add link to curriculum vitae.
* 2009 Presentation of the academic degree 'Master of Laws' (LL.M.) by the Uniwersytet Jagiellonian in Krakow
* 2006-2010 Lecturer of Criminal Law and Juvenile Law in the Master's program 'Criminology and Police Science' at the Ruhr-University Bochum
* Since 2010, teaching professor of criminal law at the [https://www.uni-passau.de/en/ University of Passau]; he is also a member of the Institute for Law Teaching.
* [http://www.holmputzke.de/ Official Website]
* [http://www.holmputzke.de/images/stories/pdf/putzke_cv_homepage.pdf Curriculum Vitae]
* {{URLwikipedia|Holm_Putzke|Holm Putzke|2019-09-29}}
* [http://www.holmputzke.de/index.php/kontrovers/religioese-beschneidung Literature references of Holm Putzke]
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