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Cervical cancer

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'''Cervical cancer''' is caused by the Human Papilloma Virus, also known as HPV. Circumcision advocates often use HPV as a scare tactic, asserting that circumcision prevents, or "reduces" its transmission. Like all other diseases that circumcision is supposed to prevent, however, the best "evidence" that is offered is statistical analyses of carefully selected data. There is, as of yet no established mechanism whereby circumcision prevents, or reduces the tranmission transmission of HPV. == HPV vaccines ==There are already two HPV vaccines available.
Cervical cancer is cancer of the cervix. The cervix is the lower part of the uterus, or womb, and is situated at the top of the vagina. Cervical cancer develops when abnormal cells in the lining of the cervix begin to multiply out of control and form pre-cancerous lesions. If undetected, these lesions can develop into tumours and spread into the surrounding tissue.
Genital HPV types may be "high-risk" types (such as HPV Types 16 and 18) that can cause cervical pre-cancer and cancer, or "low-risk" types (such as HPV Types 6 and 11) that can cause genital warts and usually benign (abnormal but non-cancerous) changes in the cervix. Both the "high-risk" and "low-risk" types of HPV can cause abnormal Pap smears.
HPV is transmitted by sexual contact. Anyone who has any kind of sexual activity involving genital contact could get genital HPV. That means it's possible to get the virus without having intercourse. And, because many people who have HPV may not show any signs or symptoms, they can transmit the virus without even knowing it. A person can be infected with more than one type of HPV. HPV is highly contagious. It is estimated that many people get their first type of HPV infection within their first few years of becoming sexually active. Genital HPV infection is not something to feel embarrassed or ashamed about. It is very common and most often goes away without any ill effects. It could almost be considered a normal part of being a healthy sexually active woman. == HPV vaccines == There are already two HPV vaccines available. 
Genital HPV infection is not something to feel embarrassed or ashamed about. It is very common and most often goes away without any ill effects. It could almost be considered a normal part of being a healthy sexually active woman
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