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Art. 2 GG

929 bytes added, 13:16, 11 March 2020
Created page with "'''Art. 2 GG''' reads ''(highlighting in the legal text by IntactiWiki)'': <blockquote>''Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany''<br>'''Article 2'''<ref>http://www.ges..."
'''Art. 2 GG''' reads ''(highlighting in the legal text by IntactiWiki)'':

<blockquote>''Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany''<br>'''Article 2'''<ref></ref>

(1) '''Everyone has the right to the free development of his personality, provided that he does not violate the rights of others and does not violate the constitutional order or the moral law.'''

(2) '''Everyone has the right to life and physical integrity. The freedom of a person is inviolable.''' These rights may only be interfered with by law.

''IntactiWiki non-binding comment:''
: The rights of others are violated by anyone who mutilates a child's genitals without medical indication. The right to physical integrity begins with the birth. This right is violated massively by the [[German Circumcision Act]].




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