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Regret mom

1,510 bytes added, 19:33, 12 March 2020
Anonymous stories, quoted on the web
|Text=My long time friend Tori probably sent you a message I sent her thanking her for her intactivism.
I was so ignorant that her posts filled me with blind rage. I was disgusted and sickened that she could "waste" all her energy on something "so trivial", and I felt her obsession was weird.
I gave her my two cents before blocking her for years.
It wasn't until I saw my little boys penis on his gender reveal sonogram that I knew in my heart why I was so mad at her, and that my anger was misguided. I wasn't mad at her for sharing those images. I wasn't made uncomfortable by her message.
I was mad that it was so cruel, yet it was normalized in my mind and I did everything to justify it.
I was uncomfortable because the images were violent.
I knew in my heart in that moment which way I leaned. But did about 10 minutes of research before my decision was confirmed, and I have become a devout and vocal intactivist since.
And I've followed you and your intactivism ever since.
You and Tori deserve to know about every time you saved a baby boy.
But here's just one. The face of a boy who was never traumatized by his mother and let down by the medical field.
|Author=~Autumn in Mississippi
|title=I Blocked Her For Years
|publisher=[[Bloodstained Men]] & Their Friends
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